[Plone-UI] Plone UX Feb Challenge

Dylan Jay djay at pretaweb.com
Tue Jan 28 21:54:44 UTC 2014

As an example, adding a control panel or changing the existing types control panel to enable https://trello.com/c/QCiupNw4/66-can-t-set-which-files-get-uploaded-as-which-contenttypes. Big win.

Dylan Jay

www.pretagov.com - Secure SaaS for Government hosted locally.
P: +61-2-9955-2830  +44-87-0392-7071 | linkedin.com/in/djay75

On 29 Jan 2014, at 7:05 am, Dylan Jay <djay at pretaweb.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> For the month of Feb everyone in the UI team is going to do a challenge. If you're on this list, you are in the UI team :)
> The challenge is to find one small thing that you can improve about the Plone UI and implement it. 
> It can be for Plone 4 or 5. 
> It can improve the life of site administrators, site editors, integrators or site visitors.
> It probably won't be the sort of thing that requires a PLIP, just a ticket in dev.plone.org (to let others know you are working on it), a branch, and a pull request.
> You can take inspiration from the UX hit-list[1], or just something that's been bugging you, or else just ask the list.
> The only real criteria is that it's an improvement and your pull request is merged by the end of Feb.
> Never contributed to Plone before? Perfect. This is the task to start with. If you need a mentor just email me and I'll find you one.
> Already working on stuff for Plone 5? Here is your chance to take a break with something small and fun.
> Can't code? Create a mockup, test it with users and work with someone else to get it implemented.
> For example, one thing that's been bugging me is that I can't easily recompile the diazo rules in theme editor in production [2]. I'm going to fix this, probably by putting a "recompile" button on the theme editor.
> What are you going to pick?
> ----- reply below------
> [1] https://trello.com/b/h8J1evdp/the-plone-ux-hit-list-beta
> [2] https://trello.com/c/Jjrsre6V/11-not-obvious-how-recompile-diazo-theme-in-production
> Thanks to Eric Steele for the suggestions of this challenge.
> Dylan Jay
> ---
> www.pretagov.com - Secure SaaS for Government hosted locally.
> P: +61-2-9955-2830  +44-87-0392-7071 | linkedin.com/in/djay75

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