[Testbot] Plone 4.3 - Python 2.6 - Build # 2650 - Still failing! - 0 failure(s)

jenkins at plone.org jenkins at plone.org
Tue Jan 27 16:03:01 UTC 2015

Plone 4.3 - Python 2.6 - Build # 2650 - Still Failing!



Repository: plone.app.dexterity
Branch: refs/heads/2.0.x
Date: 2015-01-27T16:24:07+01:00
Author: Johannes Raggam (thet) <raggam-nl at adm.at>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.dexterity/commit/52640d37af90fd161201cba21f114dddb7d292b3

rename docs/HISTORY.txt and RELEASE_NOTES.txt to CHANGES.rst resp. RELEASE_NOTES.rst

Files changed:
M setup.py
D docs/HISTORY.txt

diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da52ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+2.0.13 (unreleased)
+- Nothing changed yet.
+2.0.12 (2014-09-07)
+- Don't throw an error if allowed_content_types is none or missing.
+  Fix https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes/issues/91
+  [pbauer]
+- PLIP #13705: Remove <base> tag.
+  [frapell]
+2.0.11 (2013-12-07)
+- Fixed Add view URL of cloned content type.
+  Refs http://dev.plone.org/ticket/13776.
+  [thomasdesvenain]
+- Add robot testing environment and first robot test.
+  [cedricmessiant]
+- Better string normalization when setting type id from type title
+  (change accented or special characters with corresponding letters).
+  [cedricmessiant]
+- Show a warning when editing the default page of a folder.
+  [davisagli]
+2.0.10 (2013-09-16)
+- Fix determination of allowed types so it checks permission in
+  the context of the original folder when inheriting allowed
+  types.
+  [davisagli]
+2.0.9 (2013-08-13)
+- Add documentation for defaultFactory tag in XML ref.
+  [smcmahon]
+- Removed line breaks within documentation URLs in modeleditor.py.
+  [smcmahon]
+- Fixed XML export so that GenericSetup's parser can successfully parse it
+  later on at install time.
+  [zupo]
+- Use @@ploneform-render-widget to render widgets in display mode.
+  [cedricmessiant]
+- Call the IBasic description field 'Summary' and give it
+  help text that is actually helpful.
+  [davisagli]
+- Don't show the 'Allow Discussion' field on an item's default view.
+  [davisagli]
+2.0.8 (2013-05-23)
+- Add XML Model Editor based on plone.resourceditor. If plone.resourceditor
+  is available, this is exposed by an "Edit XML Field Model" button on
+  the fields tab of a content type -- if the content type is editable TTW.
+  [smcmahon]
+- Added catalan translations [sneridagh]
+2.0.7 (2013-04-09)
+- Fix bug in determining whether to show the allowed contained type
+  fields.
+  [ericof]
+- Let the behavior INameFromFileName also set the title from the filename
+  if the type has such a field and it is left empty.
+  [pbauer]
+- Updated french translations.
+  [thomasdesvenain]
+2.0.6 (2013-04-06)
+- Add missing translation strings.
+  [vincentfretin]
+2.0.5 (2013-04-06)
+- Updated pt_BR translation [ericof]
+2.0.4 (2013-03-05)
+- Add zh_TW translation [TsungWei Hu]
+- Add support for constraining container allowed content types using
+  the "Restrictions" form in the add menu.  Merged from Patrick
+  Gerken's (@do3cc) work in plone.app.contenttypes.
+  [rpatterson]
+- When a new type is added, redirect to the fields tab as the next view.
+  [davisagli]
+- Don't show the short name as a field on the type overview page.
+  [davisagli]
+- Remove the 'Container' checkbox when adding a new type, and default
+  to creating a container.
+  [davisagli]
+- Tweaks to type control panel based on user testing.
+  [davisagli]
+- Set default language for a new content item based on the language of
+  its container.
+  [frapell]
+- Fixed i18n of "Contents" in folder default view.
+  [vincentfretin]
+- Added Ukrainian translations
+  [kroman0]
+2.0.3 (2013-01-17)
+- Nothing changed yet.
+2.0.2 (2013-01-01)
+- Added French translations
+  [cedricmessiant]
+- The behavior controlpanel now correctly invalidates any modified FTIs.
+  [malthe]
+- I18n improved by adding many missing strings
+  [giacomos]
+- better graphical integration in the control panel
+  [giacomos]
+- Allow discussion behavior added.
+  [timo]
+2.0.1 (2012-08-31)
+- Update MANIFEST.in to correct packaging error.
+  [esteele]
+2.0 (2012-08-30)
+- DC metadata fields are now correctly encoded and decoded (from byte
+  strings to unicode and vice versa). Currently, UTF-8 is assumed.
+  [malthe]
+- Use lxml instead of elementtree.
+  [davisagli]
+- Use ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.browserpage.
+  [hannosch]
+- Add upgrade step to make sure that only uninstalling plone.app.intid will
+  remove the intids utility.
+  [davisagli]
+- Fix traversal over the types context so that skin items used by widgets
+  can be acquired.
+  [davisagli]
+- Provide an ``additionalSchemata`` property on the schema context so the
+  schema editor can include a preview of fields from behaviors.
+  [davisagli]
+- Give a more explicit warning before deleting content types that have existing
+  instances.
+  [davisagli]
+- Add validation to prevent giving a type the same name as an existing type.
+  [davisagli]
+- Make sure the title and description of new FTIs are stored encoded,
+  and with a default i18n domain of 'plone'.
+  [davisagli]
+- Add overview tab for each type in the control panel.
+  [davisagli]
+- Added Sphinx source for the Dexterity Developer manual.
+  [giacomos]
+- Added Italian translation.
+  [giacomos]
+- Internationalized content type settings pages,
+  I18N fixes,
+  messages extraction,
+  French translations.
+  [thomasdesvenain]
+- Added Spanish translation.
+  [hvelarde]
+- Install the profile from collective.z3cform.datetimewidget to enable the
+  Jquery Tools date picker for date/time fields.
+  [davisagli]
+- Bugfix: Make sure type short names are validated.
+  [davisagli]
+- Bugfix: Fix display of type descriptions in the types control panel.
+  [davisagli]
+- Bugfix: Make sure subject can still be retrieved as unicode for the
+  categorization behavior now that the Subject accessor returns a bytestring.
+  [davisagli]
+- Add intro message to Dexterity control panel.
+  [jonstahl, davisagli]
+- Grok support is now an optional "grok" extra. Use this if you want
+  ``five.grok``, ``plone.directives.form``, and ``plone.directives.dexterity``.
+  See the release notes for more information. The behaviors in this package
+  were updated to work without using grok.
+  [davisagli]
+- plone.formwidget.autocomplete and plone.formwidget.contenttree are no longer
+  included by default. See the release notes for more information.
+  [davisagli]
+- Moved the 'Related Items' behavior to plone.app.relationfield.
+  plone.app.relationfield is no longer installed as a dependency. See the
+  release notes for more information including how to update your package if it
+  depends on relation support or the 'Related Items' behavior.
+  IMPORTANT: You must install plone.app.relationfield on sites that are being
+  upgraded from Dexterity 1.0 to Dexterity 2.0, or the site will break.
+  [davisagli]
+- Converted tests to plone.app.testing-based setup. The old PloneTestCase-based
+  test case classes and layer are now deprecated.
+  [davisagli]
+- Remove ++resource++plone.app.dexterity.overlays.css from the CSS registry.
+  [davisagli]
+- Removed support for Plone 3 / CMF 2.1 / Zope 2.10.
+  [davisagli]
+- Update dependencies and imports as appropriate for Zope 2.12 & Zope 2.13
+  [davisagli]
+- Remove CDATA section from "browser\types_listing.pt" (in HTML5: allowed only in SVG/MathML namespaces).
+  [kleist]
+1.0 - 2011-05-20
+- Fix publishing dates DateTime/datetime conversions so as not to drift by the
+  timezone delta every save.
+  [elro]
+- Make sure cloned types get a new factory.
+  [davisagli]
+- Don't override overlay CSS in Plone 4.
+  [davisagli]
+- Fixed cloning of types with a period (.) in their short name.
+  [davisagli]
+- Allow specifying a type's short name when adding a type.
+  [davisagli]
+- Make sure the Basic metadata adapter accesses the content's title attribute
+  directly so it doesn't get encoded. Also make sure encoded data can't be set
+  via this adapter.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0rc1 - 2011-04-30
+- Added upgrade step to install new javascript from
+  plone.formwidget.autocomplete
+  [davisagli]
+- Added basic support for making TTW changes to schemas defined in filesystem
+  models and code. (Note: This feature will not actually work until some further
+  changes are completed in plone.dexterity.)
+  In order to support this change, the event handling to serialize schema changes
+  was revised. We now register a single event handler for the SchemaModifiedEvent
+  raised for the schema context. This allows us to keep track of the FTI
+  that changes need to be serialized to on the schema context. The
+  serializeSchemaOnFieldEvent and serializeSchemaOnSchemaEvent handlers were
+  removed from the serialize module and replaced by serializeSchemaContext. The
+  serializeSchema helper remains but is deprecated.
+  [davisagli]
+- Add MANIFEST.in.
+  [WouterVH]
+- Add "export" button to types editor. Exports GS-style zip archive of type
+  info for selected types.
+  [stevem]
+- Fix old jquery alias in types_listing.pt. This closes
+  http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=159
+  [davisagli]
+- Make display templates fill content-core on Plone 4.
+  [elro]
+- Add ids to the group fieldsets on display forms.
+  [elro]
+- Exclude from navigation behavior should be restricted to IDexterityContent.
+  [elro]
+1.0b4 - 2011-03-15
+- Add a "Name from file name" behavior.
+  [elro]
+- Remove the NameFromTitle behavior factory, it is not necessary.
+  [elro]
+- Add "Next previous navigation" and "Next previous navigation toggle"
+  behaviors.
+  [elro]
+- Add an "Exclude from navigation" behavior.
+  [lentinj]
+- Put the folder listing within a fieldset.
+  [lentinj]
+1.0b3 - 2011-02-11
+- Add a navigation root behavior.
+  [elro]
+- Fix decoding error when an encoded description is stored in the FTI.
+  [davisagli]
+- Avoid empty <div class="field"> tag for title and description in
+  item.pt and container.pt.
+  [gaudenzius]
+- Add locales structure for translations with cs , de, es, eu, fr, ja, nl, pt_BR
+  [toutpt]
+- Update french translation
+  [toutpt]
+1.0b2 - 2010-08-05
+- Fix several XML errors in templates. Needed for Chameleon compatibility.
+  [wichert]
+- cloning a type through the dexterity UI in the control panel did not work
+  if the type had a hyphen in it's name. This fixes
+  http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=126
+  [vangheem]
+1.0b1 - 2010-04-20
+- Require plone.app.jquerytools for the schema editor UI, and make sure it is
+  installed when upgrading.
+  [davisagli]
+- Remove unused schemaeditor.css.
+  [davisagli]
+- Omit the metadata fields except on edit and add forms.
+  [davisagli]
+- Enable the "Name from title" behavior for new types, by default.
+  [davisagli]
+- Include plone.formwidget.namedfile so that File upload and Image fields are
+  available out of the box.  You must explicitly include z3c.blobfile in your
+  environment if you want blob-based files.
+  [davisagli]
+- Added a DexterityLayer that can be used in tests.
+  [davisagli]
+- Fix issue with the BehaviorsForm accidentally polluting the title of the
+  z3c.form EditForm 'Apply' button.
+  [davisagli]
+- Add upgrades folder and make sure plone.app.z3cform profile gets installed
+  on upgrades from previous versions of Dexterity.
+  [davisagli]
+- Depend on the plone.app.z3cform profile, to make sure the Plone browser layer
+  for z3c.form gets installed.
+  [davisagli]
+- Avoid relying on acquisition to get the portal_url for links in the type
+  listing table.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0a7 - 2010-01-08
+- Make sure the Dublin Core fieldsets appear in the same order as they
+  do in AT content.
+  [davisagli]
+- Make sure the current user is loaded as the default creator for the
+  IOwnership schema in an add form.
+  [davisagli]
+- Include behavior descriptions on the behavior edit tab.
+  [davisagli]
+- IBasic behavior: set missing_value of description-field to u'' . The
+  description should never be None (live_search would not work any more).
+  [jbaumann]
+- Fix issue where traversing to a nonexistent type name in the types control
+  panel did not raise NotFound.
+  [davisagli]
+- Make it possible to view the fields of non-editable schemata.
+  [davisagli]
+- Tweaks to the tabbed_forms template used for the types control panel.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0a6 - 2009-10-12
+- Add plone.app.textfield as a dependency. We don't use it directly in this
+  package, but users of Dexterity should have it installed and available.
+  [optilude]
+- Use some default icons for new types.
+  [davisagli]
+- Show type icons in type listing if available.
+  [davisagli]
+- Removed 'container' field from the types listing in the control panel
+  (it wasn't working).
+  [davisagli]
+- Add message factories to titles and descriptions of metadata schema fields.
+  Fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=75.
+  [optilude]
+- Patch listActionInfos() instead of listActions() in order to get the
+  folder/add category into the actions list. This avoids a problem with
+  the 'actions.xml' export handler exporting the folder/add category
+  incorrectly. Fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=78
+  [optilude]
+1.0a5 - 2009-07-26
+- Explicitly include overrides.zcml from plone.app.z3cform.
+  [optilude]
+1.0a4 - 2009-07-12
+- Changed API methods and arguments to mixedCase to be more consistent with
+  the rest of Zope. This is a non-backwards-compatible change. Our profuse
+  apologies, but it's now or never. :-/
+  If you find that you get import errors or unknown keyword arguments in your
+  code, please change names from foo_bar too fooBar, e.g. serialize_schema()
+  becomes serializeSchema().
+  [optilude]
+1.0a3 - 2009-06-07
+- Updated use of <plone:behavior /> directive to match plone.behavior 1.0b4.
+  [optilude]
+1.0a2 - 2009-06-01
+- Remove superfluous <includeOverrides /> in configure.zcml which would cause
+  a problem when the package is loaded via z3c.autoinclude.plugin
+  [optilude]
+1.0a1 - 2009-05-27
+- Initial release
diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.rst b/RELEASE_NOTES.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc13900
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Release Notes
+Dexterity 2.0 is a major release of Dexterity. It has focused on getting
+Dexterity included in Plone core, by cleaning things up and making
+dependencies that are not ready for primetime optional.
+Grok-style configuration no longer included by default
+Dexterity 1.0 included ``five.grok`` to allow configuring components via
+Python directives rather than in separate XML-based ZCML files.  It also
+included two packages, ``plone.directives.form`` and
+``plone.directives.dexterity``, to provide some grok-style directives for
+Dexterity-specific features.
+The Dexterity authors still like grok and believe it makes it easier to learn
+how to customize Plone.  However, it has been turned into an optional feature
+so that Dexterity has a chance to enter Plone core even if the Plone framework
+team doesn't want to add grok to the already complex stack.
+To include these three grok-related packages when you install Dexterity,
+enable the "grok" extra::
+  [instance]
+  eggs =
+      plone.app.dexterity [grok]
+By the way, a number of schema directives from ``plone.directives.form`` that
+used to require grok to work have been reimplemented so that they work without
+grok. In particular, the ``Schema`` class and the ``model``, ``fieldset``,
+and ``primary`` directives were moved to ``plone.supermodel.model``. The
+``omitted``, ``no_omit``, ``mode``, ``widget``, ``order_before``,
+``order_after``, ``read_permission``, and ``write_permission`` directives were
+moved to ``plone.autoform.directives``.  There are aliases in the old locations
+so you don't need to update existing code, but you can switch to the new
+locations if you're trying to avoid depending on grok.
+Relation support no longer included by default
+Dexterity 1.0 included support for object relations based on the zc.relation
+catalog and plone.app.relationfield, as well as a behavior
+(``plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.related.IRelatedItems``) providing a
+generic list of related items based on that implementation.
+Since this feature was added to Dexterity, we discovered that it will be hard
+to support this type of relation well in Zope 2 until Zope 2 is setting
+__parent__ pointers everywhere. In addition, we encountered some problems with
+using interfaces as keys in the zc.relation catalog. And Dexterity gained
+support for the Archetypes reference engine in
+``plone.app.referenceablebehavior``. As a result of these factors, the
+zc.relation approach to object relationships will not be included in Dexterity or Plone core for the time being.
+VERY IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading a site with Dexterity 1.0 to Dexterity
+2.0, it will break unless you install plone.app.relationfield, since your
+database contains persistent intid and relations utilities. The easiest way
+to include plone.app.relationfield is to install plone.app.dexterity with
+the "relations" extra::
+  [instance]
+  eggs =
+      plone.app.dexterity [relations]
+Using relations via plone.app.relationfield
+If you were relying on the support for relations, you can re-enable support
+by installing the ``plone.app.relationfield`` package. You need to add it to
+your package's install_requires in setup.py::
+  install_requires=[
+      'plone.app.relationfield',
+      ]
+Make sure your package is including its ZCML in configure.zcml::
+  <include package="plone.app.relationfield" />
+And install its GenericSetup profile as a dependency in your package's metadata.xml::
+  <dependencies>
+    <dependency>profile-plone.app.relationfield:default</dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+If you have any content types using the IRelatedItems behavior, you should
+update them to import the behavior from the new location::
+  <property name="behaviors">
+      <element value="plone.app.relationfield.behavior.IRelatedItems" />
+  </property>
+Content tree and Autocomplete widgets no longer included by default
+In Dexterity 1.0, the widgets in ``plone.formwidget.autocomplete`` and
+``plone.formwidget.contenttree`` were installed as dependencies of
+``plone.app.dexterity``. In Dexterity 2.0 they are no longer installed
+by default, because they are not used by any of the included behaviors
+or made available via the through-the-web content type editor at this
+If you use these widgets, make sure your package lists them as
+dependencies in setup.py, loads their ZCML in configure.zcml, and
+activates their GenericSetup profiles as dependencies in metadata.xml.
diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bc13900..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Release Notes
-Dexterity 2.0 is a major release of Dexterity. It has focused on getting
-Dexterity included in Plone core, by cleaning things up and making
-dependencies that are not ready for primetime optional.
-Grok-style configuration no longer included by default
-Dexterity 1.0 included ``five.grok`` to allow configuring components via
-Python directives rather than in separate XML-based ZCML files.  It also
-included two packages, ``plone.directives.form`` and
-``plone.directives.dexterity``, to provide some grok-style directives for
-Dexterity-specific features.
-The Dexterity authors still like grok and believe it makes it easier to learn
-how to customize Plone.  However, it has been turned into an optional feature
-so that Dexterity has a chance to enter Plone core even if the Plone framework
-team doesn't want to add grok to the already complex stack.
-To include these three grok-related packages when you install Dexterity,
-enable the "grok" extra::
-  [instance]
-  eggs =
-      plone.app.dexterity [grok]
-By the way, a number of schema directives from ``plone.directives.form`` that
-used to require grok to work have been reimplemented so that they work without
-grok. In particular, the ``Schema`` class and the ``model``, ``fieldset``,
-and ``primary`` directives were moved to ``plone.supermodel.model``. The
-``omitted``, ``no_omit``, ``mode``, ``widget``, ``order_before``,
-``order_after``, ``read_permission``, and ``write_permission`` directives were
-moved to ``plone.autoform.directives``.  There are aliases in the old locations
-so you don't need to update existing code, but you can switch to the new
-locations if you're trying to avoid depending on grok.
-Relation support no longer included by default
-Dexterity 1.0 included support for object relations based on the zc.relation
-catalog and plone.app.relationfield, as well as a behavior
-(``plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.related.IRelatedItems``) providing a
-generic list of related items based on that implementation.
-Since this feature was added to Dexterity, we discovered that it will be hard
-to support this type of relation well in Zope 2 until Zope 2 is setting
-__parent__ pointers everywhere. In addition, we encountered some problems with
-using interfaces as keys in the zc.relation catalog. And Dexterity gained
-support for the Archetypes reference engine in
-``plone.app.referenceablebehavior``. As a result of these factors, the
-zc.relation approach to object relationships will not be included in Dexterity or Plone core for the time being.
-VERY IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading a site with Dexterity 1.0 to Dexterity
-2.0, it will break unless you install plone.app.relationfield, since your
-database contains persistent intid and relations utilities. The easiest way
-to include plone.app.relationfield is to install plone.app.dexterity with
-the "relations" extra::
-  [instance]
-  eggs =
-      plone.app.dexterity [relations]
-Using relations via plone.app.relationfield
-If you were relying on the support for relations, you can re-enable support
-by installing the ``plone.app.relationfield`` package. You need to add it to
-your package's install_requires in setup.py::
-  install_requires=[
-      'plone.app.relationfield',
-      ]
-Make sure your package is including its ZCML in configure.zcml::
-  <include package="plone.app.relationfield" />
-And install its GenericSetup profile as a dependency in your package's metadata.xml::
-  <dependencies>
-    <dependency>profile-plone.app.relationfield:default</dependency>
-  </dependencies>
-If you have any content types using the IRelatedItems behavior, you should
-update them to import the behavior from the new location::
-  <property name="behaviors">
-      <element value="plone.app.relationfield.behavior.IRelatedItems" />
-  </property>
-Content tree and Autocomplete widgets no longer included by default
-In Dexterity 1.0, the widgets in ``plone.formwidget.autocomplete`` and
-``plone.formwidget.contenttree`` were installed as dependencies of
-``plone.app.dexterity``. In Dexterity 2.0 they are no longer installed
-by default, because they are not used by any of the included behaviors
-or made available via the through-the-web content type editor at this
-If you use these widgets, make sure your package lists them as
-dependencies in setup.py, loads their ZCML in configure.zcml, and
-activates their GenericSetup profiles as dependencies in metadata.xml.
diff --git a/docs/HISTORY.txt b/docs/HISTORY.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7237a..0000000
--- a/docs/HISTORY.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-Changelog for plone.app.dexterity
-2.0.13 (unreleased)
-- Nothing changed yet.
-2.0.12 (2014-09-07)
-- Don't throw an error if allowed_content_types is none or missing.
-  Fix https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes/issues/91
-  [pbauer]
-- PLIP #13705: Remove <base> tag.
-  [frapell]
-2.0.11 (2013-12-07)
-- Fixed Add view URL of cloned content type.
-  Refs http://dev.plone.org/ticket/13776.
-  [thomasdesvenain]
-- Add robot testing environment and first robot test.
-  [cedricmessiant]
-- Better string normalization when setting type id from type title
-  (change accented or special characters with corresponding letters).
-  [cedricmessiant]
-- Show a warning when editing the default page of a folder.
-  [davisagli]
-2.0.10 (2013-09-16)
-- Fix determination of allowed types so it checks permission in
-  the context of the original folder when inheriting allowed
-  types.
-  [davisagli]
-2.0.9 (2013-08-13)
-- Add documentation for defaultFactory tag in XML ref.
-  [smcmahon]
-- Removed line breaks within documentation URLs in modeleditor.py.
-  [smcmahon]
-- Fixed XML export so that GenericSetup's parser can successfully parse it
-  later on at install time.
-  [zupo]
-- Use @@ploneform-render-widget to render widgets in display mode.
-  [cedricmessiant]
-- Call the IBasic description field 'Summary' and give it
-  help text that is actually helpful.
-  [davisagli]
-- Don't show the 'Allow Discussion' field on an item's default view.
-  [davisagli]
-2.0.8 (2013-05-23)
-- Add XML Model Editor based on plone.resourceditor. If plone.resourceditor
-  is available, this is exposed by an "Edit XML Field Model" button on
-  the fields tab of a content type -- if the content type is editable TTW.
-  [smcmahon]
-- Added catalan translations [sneridagh]
-2.0.7 (2013-04-09)
-- Fix bug in determining whether to show the allowed contained type
-  fields.
-  [ericof]
-- Let the behavior INameFromFileName also set the title from the filename
-  if the type has such a field and it is left empty.
-  [pbauer]
-- Updated french translations.
-  [thomasdesvenain]
-2.0.6 (2013-04-06)
-- Add missing translation strings.
-  [vincentfretin]
-2.0.5 (2013-04-06)
-- Updated pt_BR translation [ericof]
-2.0.4 (2013-03-05)
-- Add zh_TW translation [TsungWei Hu]
-- Add support for constraining container allowed content types using
-  the "Restrictions" form in the add menu.  Merged from Patrick
-  Gerken's (@do3cc) work in plone.app.contenttypes.
-  [rpatterson]
-- When a new type is added, redirect to the fields tab as the next view.
-  [davisagli]
-- Don't show the short name as a field on the type overview page.
-  [davisagli]
-- Remove the 'Container' checkbox when adding a new type, and default
-  to creating a container.
-  [davisagli]
-- Tweaks to type control panel based on user testing.
-  [davisagli]
-- Set default language for a new content item based on the language of
-  its container.
-  [frapell]
-- Fixed i18n of "Contents" in folder default view.
-  [vincentfretin]
-- Added Ukrainian translations
-  [kroman0]
-2.0.3 (2013-01-17)
-- Nothing changed yet.
-2.0.2 (2013-01-01)
-- Added French translations
-  [cedricmessiant]
-- The behavior controlpanel now correctly invalidates any modified FTIs.
-  [malthe]
-- I18n improved by adding many missing strings
-  [giacomos]
-- better graphical integration in the control panel
-  [giacomos]
-- Allow discussion behavior added.
-  [timo]
-2.0.1 (2012-08-31)
-- Update MANIFEST.in to correct packaging error.
-  [esteele]
-2.0 (2012-08-30)
-- DC metadata fields are now correctly encoded and decoded (from byte
-  strings to unicode and vice versa). Currently, UTF-8 is assumed.
-  [malthe]
-- Use lxml instead of elementtree.
-  [davisagli]
-- Use ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.browserpage.
-  [hannosch]
-- Add upgrade step to make sure that only uninstalling plone.app.intid will
-  remove the intids utility.
-  [davisagli]
-- Fix traversal over the types context so that skin items used by widgets
-  can be acquired.
-  [davisagli]
-- Provide an ``additionalSchemata`` property on the schema context so the
-  schema editor can include a preview of fields from behaviors.
-  [davisagli]
-- Give a more explicit warning before deleting content types that have existing
-  instances.
-  [davisagli]
-- Add validation to prevent giving a type the same name as an existing type.
-  [davisagli]
-- Make sure the title and description of new FTIs are stored encoded,
-  and with a default i18n domain of 'plone'.
-  [davisagli]
-- Add overview tab for each type in the control panel.
-  [davisagli]
-- Added Sphinx source for the Dexterity Developer manual.
-  [giacomos]
-- Added Italian translation.
-  [giacomos]
-- Internationalized content type settings pages,
-  I18N fixes,
-  messages extraction,
-  French translations.
-  [thomasdesvenain]
-- Added Spanish translation.
-  [hvelarde]
-- Install the profile from collective.z3cform.datetimewidget to enable the
-  Jquery Tools date picker for date/time fields.
-  [davisagli]
-- Bugfix: Make sure type short names are validated.
-  [davisagli]
-- Bugfix: Fix display of type descriptions in the types control panel.
-  [davisagli]
-- Bugfix: Make sure subject can still be retrieved as unicode for the
-  categorization behavior now that the Subject accessor returns a bytestring.
-  [davisagli]
-- Add intro message to Dexterity control panel.
-  [jonstahl, davisagli]
-- Grok support is now an optional "grok" extra. Use this if you want
-  ``five.grok``, ``plone.directives.form``, and ``plone.directives.dexterity``.
-  See the release notes for more information. The behaviors in this package
-  were updated to work without using grok.
-  [davisagli]
-- plone.formwidget.autocomplete and plone.formwidget.contenttree are no longer
-  included by default. See the release notes for more information.
-  [davisagli]
-- Moved the 'Related Items' behavior to plone.app.relationfield.
-  plone.app.relationfield is no longer installed as a dependency. See the
-  release notes for more information including how to update your package if it
-  depends on relation support or the 'Related Items' behavior.
-  IMPORTANT: You must install plone.app.relationfield on sites that are being
-  upgraded from Dexterity 1.0 to Dexterity 2.0, or the site will break.
-  [davisagli]
-- Converted tests to plone.app.testing-based setup. The old PloneTestCase-based
-  test case classes and layer are now deprecated.
-  [davisagli]
-- Remove ++resource++plone.app.dexterity.overlays.css from the CSS registry.
-  [davisagli]
-- Removed support for Plone 3 / CMF 2.1 / Zope 2.10.
-  [davisagli]
-- Update dependencies and imports as appropriate for Zope 2.12 & Zope 2.13
-  [davisagli]
-- Remove CDATA section from "browser\types_listing.pt" (in HTML5: allowed only in SVG/MathML namespaces).
-  [kleist]
-1.0 - 2011-05-20
-- Fix publishing dates DateTime/datetime conversions so as not to drift by the
-  timezone delta every save.
-  [elro]
-- Make sure cloned types get a new factory.
-  [davisagli]
-- Don't override overlay CSS in Plone 4.
-  [davisagli]
-- Fixed cloning of types with a period (.) in their short name.
-  [davisagli]
-- Allow specifying a type's short name when adding a type.
-  [davisagli]
-- Make sure the Basic metadata adapter accesses the content's title attribute
-  directly so it doesn't get encoded. Also make sure encoded data can't be set
-  via this adapter.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0rc1 - 2011-04-30
-- Added upgrade step to install new javascript from
-  plone.formwidget.autocomplete
-  [davisagli]
-- Added basic support for making TTW changes to schemas defined in filesystem
-  models and code. (Note: This feature will not actually work until some further
-  changes are completed in plone.dexterity.)
-  In order to support this change, the event handling to serialize schema changes
-  was revised. We now register a single event handler for the SchemaModifiedEvent
-  raised for the schema context. This allows us to keep track of the FTI
-  that changes need to be serialized to on the schema context. The
-  serializeSchemaOnFieldEvent and serializeSchemaOnSchemaEvent handlers were
-  removed from the serialize module and replaced by serializeSchemaContext. The
-  serializeSchema helper remains but is deprecated.
-  [davisagli]
-- Add MANIFEST.in.
-  [WouterVH]
-- Add "export" button to types editor. Exports GS-style zip archive of type
-  info for selected types.
-  [stevem]
-- Fix old jquery alias in types_listing.pt. This closes
-  http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=159
-  [davisagli]
-- Make display templates fill content-core on Plone 4.
-  [elro]
-- Add ids to the group fieldsets on display forms.
-  [elro]
-- Exclude from navigation behavior should be restricted to IDexterityContent.
-  [elro]
-1.0b4 - 2011-03-15
-- Add a "Name from file name" behavior.
-  [elro]
-- Remove the NameFromTitle behavior factory, it is not necessary.
-  [elro]
-- Add "Next previous navigation" and "Next previous navigation toggle"
-  behaviors.
-  [elro]
-- Add an "Exclude from navigation" behavior.
-  [lentinj]
-- Put the folder listing within a fieldset.
-  [lentinj]
-1.0b3 - 2011-02-11
-- Add a navigation root behavior.
-  [elro]
-- Fix decoding error when an encoded description is stored in the FTI.
-  [davisagli]
-- Avoid empty <div class="field"> tag for title and description in
-  item.pt and container.pt.
-  [gaudenzius]
-- Add locales structure for translations with cs , de, es, eu, fr, ja, nl, pt_BR
-  [toutpt]
-- Update french translation
-  [toutpt]
-1.0b2 - 2010-08-05
-- Fix several XML errors in templates. Needed for Chameleon compatibility.
-  [wichert]
-- cloning a type through the dexterity UI in the control panel did not work
-  if the type had a hyphen in it's name. This fixes
-  http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=126
-  [vangheem]
-1.0b1 - 2010-04-20
-- Require plone.app.jquerytools for the schema editor UI, and make sure it is
-  installed when upgrading.
-  [davisagli]
-- Remove unused schemaeditor.css.
-  [davisagli]
-- Omit the metadata fields except on edit and add forms.
-  [davisagli]
-- Enable the "Name from title" behavior for new types, by default.
-  [davisagli]
-- Include plone.formwidget.namedfile so that File upload and Image fields are
-  available out of the box.  You must explicitly include z3c.blobfile in your
-  environment if you want blob-based files.
-  [davisagli]
-- Added a DexterityLayer that can be used in tests.
-  [davisagli]
-- Fix issue with the BehaviorsForm accidentally polluting the title of the
-  z3c.form EditForm 'Apply' button.
-  [davisagli]
-- Add upgrades folder and make sure plone.app.z3cform profile gets installed
-  on upgrades from previous versions of Dexterity.
-  [davisagli]
-- Depend on the plone.app.z3cform profile, to make sure the Plone browser layer
-  for z3c.form gets installed.
-  [davisagli]
-- Avoid relying on acquisition to get the portal_url for links in the type
-  listing table.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0a7 - 2010-01-08
-- Make sure the Dublin Core fieldsets appear in the same order as they
-  do in AT content.
-  [davisagli]
-- Make sure the current user is loaded as the default creator for the
-  IOwnership schema in an add form.
-  [davisagli]
-- Include behavior descriptions on the behavior edit tab.
-  [davisagli]
-- IBasic behavior: set missing_value of description-field to u'' . The
-  description should never be None (live_search would not work any more).
-  [jbaumann]
-- Fix issue where traversing to a nonexistent type name in the types control
-  panel did not raise NotFound.
-  [davisagli]
-- Make it possible to view the fields of non-editable schemata.
-  [davisagli]
-- Tweaks to the tabbed_forms template used for the types control panel.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0a6 - 2009-10-12
-- Add plone.app.textfield as a dependency. We don't use it directly in this
-  package, but users of Dexterity should have it installed and available.
-  [optilude]
-- Use some default icons for new types.
-  [davisagli]
-- Show type icons in type listing if available.
-  [davisagli]
-- Removed 'container' field from the types listing in the control panel
-  (it wasn't working).
-  [davisagli]
-- Add message factories to titles and descriptions of metadata schema fields.
-  Fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=75.
-  [optilude]
-- Patch listActionInfos() instead of listActions() in order to get the
-  folder/add category into the actions list. This avoids a problem with
-  the 'actions.xml' export handler exporting the folder/add category
-  incorrectly. Fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=78
-  [optilude]
-1.0a5 - 2009-07-26
-- Explicitly include overrides.zcml from plone.app.z3cform.
-  [optilude]
-1.0a4 - 2009-07-12
-- Changed API methods and arguments to mixedCase to be more consistent with
-  the rest of Zope. This is a non-backwards-compatible change. Our profuse
-  apologies, but it's now or never. :-/
-  If you find that you get import errors or unknown keyword arguments in your
-  code, please change names from foo_bar too fooBar, e.g. serialize_schema()
-  becomes serializeSchema().
-  [optilude]
-1.0a3 - 2009-06-07
-- Updated use of <plone:behavior /> directive to match plone.behavior 1.0b4.
-  [optilude]
-1.0a2 - 2009-06-01
-- Remove superfluous <includeOverrides /> in configure.zcml which would cause
-  a problem when the package is loaded via z3c.autoinclude.plugin
-  [optilude]
-1.0a1 - 2009-05-27
-- Initial release
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index de5573d..9ca0fc9 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-import os
 version = '2.0.13.dev0'
 long_description = open("README.rst").read() + "\n" + \
-    open("RELEASE_NOTES.txt").read() + "\n" + \
-    open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.txt")).read()
+    open("RELEASE_NOTES.rst").read() + "\n" + \
+    open("CHANGES.rst").read()

Repository: plone.app.dexterity
Branch: refs/heads/2.0.x
Date: 2015-01-27T16:24:40+01:00
Author: Johannes Raggam (thet) <raggam-nl at adm.at>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.dexterity/commit/071e04362d5975aa2be525ab92f533f0554353fa

IDexterityContainer-view listing view macro calling fix

Fix the IDexterityContainer view to make use of plone.app.contenttype's new
listing view. Accessing it's macro needs the macro-caller's view variable set
to the new listing view.

Files changed:
M plone/app/dexterity/browser/container.pt

diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index da52ca2..334ea71 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ Changelog
 2.0.13 (unreleased)
-- Nothing changed yet.
+- Fix the IDexterityContainer view to make use of plone.app.contenttype's new
+  listing view. Accessing it's macro needs the macro-caller's view variable set
+  to the new listing view.
+  [thet]
 2.0.12 (2014-09-07)
diff --git a/plone/app/dexterity/browser/container.pt b/plone/app/dexterity/browser/container.pt
index 340b619..db926c3 100644
--- a/plone/app/dexterity/browser/container.pt
+++ b/plone/app/dexterity/browser/container.pt
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     <fieldset id="folder-listing">
         <legend i18n:translate="" i18n:domain="plone">Contents</legend>
-        <tal:block define="listing_macro context/folder_listing/macros/listing">
+        <tal:block define="view nocall:context/folder_listing; listing_macro view/macros/listing">
             <metal:use_macro use-macro="listing_macro" />

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