[Testbot] Plone 4.3 - Python 2.6 - Build # 2340 - Regression! - 1 failure(s)

jenkins at plone.org jenkins at plone.org
Wed Sep 10 14:49:18 UTC 2014

Plone 4.3 - Python 2.6 - Build # 2340 - Still Failing!



Repository: plone.app.jquerytools
Branch: refs/heads/master
Date: 2014-09-10T15:48:09+02:00
Author: Thomas Desvenain (tdesvenain) <thomas.desvenain at gmail.com>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.jquerytools/commit/f6cd1005fa1e2f3ce0d9ec42e26cf98d9931fd8c

spaces for tabs

Files changed:
M plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js

diff --git a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
index 5dab02c..74127e8 100644
--- a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
+++ b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
@@ -1,444 +1,444 @@
- * @license                                     
+ * @license
  * jQuery Tools @VERSION Dateinput - <input type="date" /> for humans
- * 
+ *
- * 
+ *
  * http://flowplayer.org/tools/form/dateinput/
  * Since: Mar 2010
- * Date: @DATE 
+ * Date: @DATE
-(function($, undefined) {	
-	/* TODO: 
-		 preserve today highlighted
-	*/
-	$.tools = $.tools || {version: '@VERSION'};
-	var instances = [],
-		formatters = {},
-		 tool,
-		 // h=72, j=74, k=75, l=76, down=40, left=37, up=38, right=39
-		 KEYS = [75, 76, 38, 39, 74, 72, 40, 37],
-		 LABELS = {};
-	tool = $.tools.dateinput = {
-		conf: { 
-			format: 'mm/dd/yy',
-			formatter: 'default',
-			selectors: false,
-			yearRange: [-5, 5],
-			lang: 'en',
-			offset: [0, 0],
-			speed: 0,
-			firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
-			min: undefined,
-			max: undefined,
-			trigger: 0,
-			toggle: 0,
-			editable: 0,
-			css: {
-				prefix: 'cal',
-				input: 'date',
-				// ids
-				root: 0,
-				head: 0,
-				title: 0, 
-				prev: 0,
-				next: 0,
-				month: 0,
-				year: 0, 
-				days: 0,
-				body: 0,
-				weeks: 0,
-				today: 0,		
-				current: 0,
-				// classnames
-				week: 0, 
-				off: 0,
-				sunday: 0,
-				focus: 0,
-				disabled: 0,
-				trigger: 0
-			}  
-		},
-		addFormatter: function(name, fn) {
-			formatters[name] = fn;
-		},
-		localize: function(language, labels) {
-			$.each(labels, function(key, val) {
-				labels[key] = val.split(",");		
-			});
-			LABELS[language] = labels;	
-		}
-	};
-	tool.localize("en", {
-		months: 		 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December', 
-		shortMonths: 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec',  
-		days: 		 'Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday', 
-		shortDays: 	 'Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat'	  
-	});
+(function($, undefined) {
+    /* TODO:
+         preserve today highlighted
+    */
+    $.tools = $.tools || {version: '@VERSION'};
+    var instances = [],
+        formatters = {},
+         tool,
+         // h=72, j=74, k=75, l=76, down=40, left=37, up=38, right=39
+         KEYS = [75, 76, 38, 39, 74, 72, 40, 37],
+         LABELS = {};
+    tool = $.tools.dateinput = {
+        conf: {
+            format: 'mm/dd/yy',
+            formatter: 'default',
+            selectors: false,
+            yearRange: [-5, 5],
+            lang: 'en',
+            offset: [0, 0],
+            speed: 0,
+            firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
+            min: undefined,
+            max: undefined,
+            trigger: 0,
+            toggle: 0,
+            editable: 0,
+            css: {
+                prefix: 'cal',
+                input: 'date',
+                // ids
+                root: 0,
+                head: 0,
+                title: 0,
+                prev: 0,
+                next: 0,
+                month: 0,
+                year: 0,
+                days: 0,
+                body: 0,
+                weeks: 0,
+                today: 0,
+                current: 0,
+                // classnames
+                week: 0,
+                off: 0,
+                sunday: 0,
+                focus: 0,
+                disabled: 0,
+                trigger: 0
+            }
+        },
+        addFormatter: function(name, fn) {
+            formatters[name] = fn;
+        },
+        localize: function(language, labels) {
+            $.each(labels, function(key, val) {
+                labels[key] = val.split(",");
+            });
+            LABELS[language] = labels;
+        }
+    };
+    tool.localize("en", {
+        months:          'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December',
+        shortMonths: 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec',
+        days:          'Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday',
+        shortDays:      'Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat'
+    });
 //{{{ private functions
-	// @return amount of days in certain month
-	function dayAm(year, month) {
-		return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
-	}
-	function zeropad(val, len) {
-		val = '' + val;
-		len = len || 2;
-		while (val.length < len) { val = "0" + val; }
-		return val;
-	}  
-	// thanks: http://stevenlevithan.com/assets/misc/date.format.js 
-	var tmpTag = $("<a/>");
-	function format(formatter, date, text, lang) {
-	  var d = date.getDate(),
-			D = date.getDay(),
-			m = date.getMonth(),
-			y = date.getFullYear(),
-			flags = {
-				d:    d,
-				dd:   zeropad(d),
-				ddd:  LABELS[lang].shortDays[D],
-				dddd: LABELS[lang].days[D],
-				m:    m + 1,
-				mm:   zeropad(m + 1),
-				mmm:  LABELS[lang].shortMonths[m],
-				mmmm: LABELS[lang].months[m],
-				yy:   String(y).slice(2),
-				yyyy: y
-			};
-		var ret = formatters[formatter](text, date, flags, lang);
-		// a small trick to handle special characters
-		return tmpTag.html(ret).html();
-	}
-	tool.addFormatter('default', function(text, date, flags, lang) {
-		return text.replace(/d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, function ($0) {
-			return $0 in flags ? flags[$0] : $0;
-		});
-	});
-	tool.addFormatter('prefixed', function(text, date, flags, lang) {
-		return text.replace(/%(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g, function ($0, $1) {
-			return $1 in flags ? flags[$1] : $0;
-		});
-	});
-	function integer(val) {
-		return parseInt(val, 10);	
-	} 
-	function isSameDay(d1, d2)  {
-		return d1.getFullYear() === d2.getFullYear() && 
-			d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() &&
-			d1.getDate() == d2.getDate(); 
-	}
-	function parseDate(val) {
-		if (val === undefined) { return; }
-		if (val.constructor == Date) { return val; } 
-		if (typeof val == 'string') {
-			// rfc3339?
-			var els = val.split("-");		
-			if (els.length == 3) {
-				return new Date(integer(els[0]), integer(els[1]) -1, integer(els[2]));
-			}	
-			// invalid offset
-			if ( !(/^-?\d+$/).test(val) ) { return; }
-			// convert to integer
-			val = integer(val);
-		}
-		var date = new Date;
-		date.setDate(date.getDate() + val);
-		return date; 
-	}
+    // @return amount of days in certain month
+    function dayAm(year, month) {
+        return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
+    }
+    function zeropad(val, len) {
+        val = '' + val;
+        len = len || 2;
+        while (val.length < len) { val = "0" + val; }
+        return val;
+    }
+    // thanks: http://stevenlevithan.com/assets/misc/date.format.js
+    var tmpTag = $("<a/>");
+    function format(formatter, date, text, lang) {
+      var d = date.getDate(),
+            D = date.getDay(),
+            m = date.getMonth(),
+            y = date.getFullYear(),
+            flags = {
+                d:    d,
+                dd:   zeropad(d),
+                ddd:  LABELS[lang].shortDays[D],
+                dddd: LABELS[lang].days[D],
+                m:    m + 1,
+                mm:   zeropad(m + 1),
+                mmm:  LABELS[lang].shortMonths[m],
+                mmmm: LABELS[lang].months[m],
+                yy:   String(y).slice(2),
+                yyyy: y
+            };
+        var ret = formatters[formatter](text, date, flags, lang);
+        // a small trick to handle special characters
+        return tmpTag.html(ret).html();
+    }
+    tool.addFormatter('default', function(text, date, flags, lang) {
+        return text.replace(/d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, function ($0) {
+            return $0 in flags ? flags[$0] : $0;
+        });
+    });
+    tool.addFormatter('prefixed', function(text, date, flags, lang) {
+        return text.replace(/%(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g, function ($0, $1) {
+            return $1 in flags ? flags[$1] : $0;
+        });
+    });
+    function integer(val) {
+        return parseInt(val, 10);
+    }
+    function isSameDay(d1, d2)  {
+        return d1.getFullYear() === d2.getFullYear() &&
+            d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() &&
+            d1.getDate() == d2.getDate();
+    }
+    function parseDate(val) {
+        if (val === undefined) { return; }
+        if (val.constructor == Date) { return val; }
+        if (typeof val == 'string') {
+            // rfc3339?
+            var els = val.split("-");
+            if (els.length == 3) {
+                return new Date(integer(els[0]), integer(els[1]) -1, integer(els[2]));
+            }
+            // invalid offset
+            if ( !(/^-?\d+$/).test(val) ) { return; }
+            // convert to integer
+            val = integer(val);
+        }
+        var date = new Date;
+        date.setDate(date.getDate() + val);
+        return date;
+    }
-	function Dateinput(input, conf)  { 
-		// variables
-		var self = this,  
-			 now = new Date,
-			 yearNow = now.getFullYear(),
-			 css = conf.css,
-			 labels = LABELS[conf.lang],
-			 root = $("#" + css.root),
-			 title = root.find("#" + css.title),
-			 trigger,
-			 pm, nm, 
-			 currYear, currMonth, currDay,
-			 value = input.attr("data-value") || conf.value || input.val(), 
-			 min = input.attr("min") || conf.min,  
-			 max = input.attr("max") || conf.max,
-			 opened,
-			 original;
-		// zero min is not undefined 	 
-		if (min === 0) { min = "0"; }
-		// use sane values for value, min & max		
-		value = parseDate(value) || now;  
-		min   = parseDate(min || new Date(yearNow + conf.yearRange[0], 1, 1));
-		max   = parseDate(max || new Date( yearNow + conf.yearRange[1]+ 1, 1, -1));
-		// check that language exists
-		if (!labels) { throw "Dateinput: invalid language: " + conf.lang; }
-		// Replace built-in date input: NOTE: input.attr("type", "text") throws exception by the browser
-		if (input.attr("type") == 'date') {
-			var original = input.clone(),
+    function Dateinput(input, conf)  {
+        // variables
+        var self = this,
+             now = new Date,
+             yearNow = now.getFullYear(),
+             css = conf.css,
+             labels = LABELS[conf.lang],
+             root = $("#" + css.root),
+             title = root.find("#" + css.title),
+             trigger,
+             pm, nm,
+             currYear, currMonth, currDay,
+             value = input.attr("data-value") || conf.value || input.val(),
+             min = input.attr("min") || conf.min,
+             max = input.attr("max") || conf.max,
+             opened,
+             original;
+        // zero min is not undefined
+        if (min === 0) { min = "0"; }
+        // use sane values for value, min & max
+        value = parseDate(value) || now;
+        min   = parseDate(min || new Date(yearNow + conf.yearRange[0], 1, 1));
+        max   = parseDate(max || new Date( yearNow + conf.yearRange[1]+ 1, 1, -1));
+        // check that language exists
+        if (!labels) { throw "Dateinput: invalid language: " + conf.lang; }
+        // Replace built-in date input: NOTE: input.attr("type", "text") throws exception by the browser
+        if (input.attr("type") == 'date') {
+            var original = input.clone(),
           def = original.wrap("<div/>").parent().html(),
           clone = $(def.replace(/type/i, "type=text data-orig-type"));
-			if (conf.value) clone.val(conf.value);   // jquery 1.6.2 val(undefined) will clear val()
-			input.replaceWith(clone);
-			input = clone;
-		}
-		input.addClass(css.input);
-		var fire = input.add(self);
-		// construct layout
-		if (!root.length) {
-			// root
-			root = $('<div><div><a/><div/><a/></div><div><div/><div/></div></div>')
-				.hide().css({position: 'absolute'}).attr("id", css.root);			
-			// elements
-			root.children()
-				.eq(0).attr("id", css.head).end() 
-				.eq(1).attr("id", css.body).children()
-					.eq(0).attr("id", css.days).end()
-					.eq(1).attr("id", css.weeks).end().end().end()
-				.find("a").eq(0).attr("id", css.prev).end().eq(1).attr("id", css.next);		 				  
-			// title
-			title = root.find("#" + css.head).find("div").attr("id", css.title);
-			// year & month selectors
-			if (conf.selectors) {				
-				var monthSelector = $("<select/>").attr("id", css.month),
-					 yearSelector = $("<select/>").attr("id", css.year);				
-				title.html(monthSelector.add(yearSelector));
-			}						
-			// day titles
-			var days = root.find("#" + css.days); 
-			// days of the week
-			for (var d = 0; d < 7; d++) { 
-				days.append($("<span/>").text(labels.shortDays[(d + conf.firstDay) % 7]));
-			}
-			$("body").append(root);
-		}	
-		// trigger icon
-		if (conf.trigger) {
-			trigger = $("<a/>").attr("href", "#").addClass(css.trigger).click(function(e)  {
-				conf.toggle ? self.toggle() : self.show();
-				return e.preventDefault();
-			}).insertAfter(input);	
-		}
-		// layout elements
-		var weeks = root.find("#" + css.weeks);
-		yearSelector = root.find("#" + css.year);
-		monthSelector = root.find("#" + css.month);
+            if (conf.value) clone.val(conf.value);   // jquery 1.6.2 val(undefined) will clear val()
+            input.replaceWith(clone);
+            input = clone;
+        }
+        input.addClass(css.input);
+        var fire = input.add(self);
+        // construct layout
+        if (!root.length) {
+            // root
+            root = $('<div><div><a/><div/><a/></div><div><div/><div/></div></div>')
+                .hide().css({position: 'absolute'}).attr("id", css.root);
+            // elements
+            root.children()
+                .eq(0).attr("id", css.head).end()
+                .eq(1).attr("id", css.body).children()
+                    .eq(0).attr("id", css.days).end()
+                    .eq(1).attr("id", css.weeks).end().end().end()
+                .find("a").eq(0).attr("id", css.prev).end().eq(1).attr("id", css.next);
+            // title
+            title = root.find("#" + css.head).find("div").attr("id", css.title);
+            // year & month selectors
+            if (conf.selectors) {
+                var monthSelector = $("<select/>").attr("id", css.month),
+                     yearSelector = $("<select/>").attr("id", css.year);
+                title.html(monthSelector.add(yearSelector));
+            }
+            // day titles
+            var days = root.find("#" + css.days);
+            // days of the week
+            for (var d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
+                days.append($("<span/>").text(labels.shortDays[(d + conf.firstDay) % 7]));
+            }
+            $("body").append(root);
+        }
+        // trigger icon
+        if (conf.trigger) {
+            trigger = $("<a/>").attr("href", "#").addClass(css.trigger).click(function(e)  {
+                conf.toggle ? self.toggle() : self.show();
+                return e.preventDefault();
+            }).insertAfter(input);
+        }
+        // layout elements
+        var weeks = root.find("#" + css.weeks);
+        yearSelector = root.find("#" + css.year);
+        monthSelector = root.find("#" + css.month);
 //{{{ pick
-		function select(date, conf, e) {
-			// If it is readonly, then we'll just close the calendar
-			if (input.attr('readonly')) {
-				self.hide(e);
-				return;
-			}
-			// current value
-			value 	 = date;
-			currYear  = date.getFullYear();
-			currMonth = date.getMonth();
-			currDay	 = date.getDate();				
-			e || (e = $.Event("api"));
-			// focus the input after selection (doesn't work in IE)
-			if (e.type == "click" && !/msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) {
-				input.focus();
-			}
-			// beforeChange
-			e.type = "beforeChange";
-			fire.trigger(e, [date]);
-			if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
-			// formatting			
-			input.val(format(conf.formatter, date, conf.format, conf.lang));
-            // change
+        function select(date, conf, e) {
+            // If it is readonly, then we'll just close the calendar
+            if (input.attr('readonly')) {
+                self.hide(e);
+                return;
+            }
+            // current value
+            value      = date;
+            currYear  = date.getFullYear();
+            currMonth = date.getMonth();
+            currDay     = date.getDate();
+            e || (e = $.Event("api"));
+            // focus the input after selection (doesn't work in IE)
+            if (e.type == "click" && !/msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) {
+                input.focus();
+            }
+            // beforeChange
+            e.type = "beforeChange";
+            fire.trigger(e, [date]);
+            if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
+            // formatting
+            input.val(format(conf.formatter, date, conf.format, conf.lang));
+                        // change
             e.target = input[0];
-			fire.trigger(e);
-			// store value into input
-			input.data("date", date);
-			self.hide(e); 
-		}
+            fire.trigger(e);
+            // store value into input
+            input.data("date", date);
+            self.hide(e);
+        }
 //{{{ onShow
-		function onShow(ev) {
-			ev.type = "onShow";
-			fire.trigger(ev);
-			$(document).on("keydown.d", function(e) {
-				if (e.ctrlKey) { return true; }				
-				var key = e.keyCode;			 
-				// backspace or delete clears the value
-				if (key == 8 || key == 46) {
-					input.val("");
-					return self.hide(e);	
-				}
-				// esc or tab key exits
-				if (key == 27 || key == 9) { return self.hide(e); }						
-				if ($(KEYS).index(key) >= 0) {
-					if (!opened) { 
-						self.show(e); 
-						return e.preventDefault();
-					} 
-					var days = $("#" + css.weeks + " a"), 
-						 el = $("." + css.focus),
-						 index = days.index(el);
-					el.removeClass(css.focus);
-					if (key == 74 || key == 40) { index += 7; }
-					else if (key == 75 || key == 38) { index -= 7; }							
-					else if (key == 76 || key == 39) { index += 1; }
-					else if (key == 72 || key == 37) { index -= 1; }
-					if (index > 41) {
-						 self.addMonth();
-						 el = $("#" + css.weeks + " a:eq(" + (index-42) + ")");
-					} else if (index < 0) {
-						 self.addMonth(-1);
-						 el = $("#" + css.weeks + " a:eq(" + (index+42) + ")");
-					} else {
-						 el = days.eq(index);
-					}
-					el.addClass(css.focus);
-					return e.preventDefault();
-				}
-				// pageUp / pageDown
-				if (key == 34) { return self.addMonth(); }
-				if (key == 33) { return self.addMonth(-1); }
-				// home
-				if (key == 36) { return self.today(); }
-				// enter
-				if (key == 13) {
-					if (!$(e.target).is("select")) {
-						$("." + css.focus).click();
-					}
-				}
-				return $([16, 17, 18, 9]).index(key) >= 0;  				
-			});
-			// click outside dateinput
-			$(document).on("click.d", function(e) {					
-				var el = e.target;
-				if (!(el.id == css.root || $(el).parents("#" + css.root).length) && el != input[0] && (!trigger || el != trigger[0])) {
-					self.hide(e);
-				}
-			}); 
-		}
+        function onShow(ev) {
+            ev.type = "onShow";
+            fire.trigger(ev);
+            $(document).on("keydown.d", function(e) {
+                if (e.ctrlKey) { return true; }
+                var key = e.keyCode;
+                // backspace or delete clears the value
+                if (key == 8 || key == 46) {
+                    input.val("");
+                    return self.hide(e);
+                }
+                // esc or tab key exits
+                if (key == 27 || key == 9) { return self.hide(e); }
+                if ($(KEYS).index(key) >= 0) {
+                    if (!opened) {
+                        self.show(e);
+                        return e.preventDefault();
+                    }
+                    var days = $("#" + css.weeks + " a"),
+                         el = $("." + css.focus),
+                         index = days.index(el);
+                    el.removeClass(css.focus);
+                    if (key == 74 || key == 40) { index += 7; }
+                    else if (key == 75 || key == 38) { index -= 7; }
+                    else if (key == 76 || key == 39) { index += 1; }
+                    else if (key == 72 || key == 37) { index -= 1; }
+                    if (index > 41) {
+                         self.addMonth();
+                         el = $("#" + css.weeks + " a:eq(" + (index-42) + ")");
+                    } else if (index < 0) {
+                         self.addMonth(-1);
+                         el = $("#" + css.weeks + " a:eq(" + (index+42) + ")");
+                    } else {
+                         el = days.eq(index);
+                    }
+                    el.addClass(css.focus);
+                    return e.preventDefault();
+                }
+                // pageUp / pageDown
+                if (key == 34) { return self.addMonth(); }
+                if (key == 33) { return self.addMonth(-1); }
+                // home
+                if (key == 36) { return self.today(); }
+                // enter
+                if (key == 13) {
+                    if (!$(e.target).is("select")) {
+                        $("." + css.focus).click();
+                    }
+                }
+                return $([16, 17, 18, 9]).index(key) >= 0;
+            });
+            // click outside dateinput
+            $(document).on("click.d", function(e) {
+                var el = e.target;
+                if (!(el.id == css.root || $(el).parents("#" + css.root).length) && el != input[0] && (!trigger || el != trigger[0])) {
+                    self.hide(e);
+                }
+            });
+        }
-		$.extend(self, {
-			/**
-			*   @public
-			*   Show the calendar
-			*/					
-			show: function(e) {
-				if (input.attr("disabled") || opened) { return; }
-				// onBeforeShow
-				e = e || $.Event();
-				e.type = "onBeforeShow";
-				fire.trigger(e);
-				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
-				$.each(instances, function() {
-					this.hide();	
-				});
-				opened = true;
+        $.extend(self, {
+            /**
+            *   @public
+            *   Show the calendar
+            */
+            show: function(e) {
+                if (input.attr("disabled") || opened) { return; }
+                // onBeforeShow
+                e = e || $.Event();
+                e.type = "onBeforeShow";
+                fire.trigger(e);
+                if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
+                $.each(instances, function() {
+                    this.hide();
+                });
+                opened = true;
         // month selector
         monthSelector.off("change").change(function() {
           self.setValue(integer(yearSelector.val()), integer($(this).val()));
@@ -448,365 +448,365 @@
         yearSelector.off("change").change(function() {
           self.setValue(integer($(this).val()), integer(monthSelector.val()));
-				// prev / next month
-				pm = root.find("#" + css.prev).off("click").click(function(e) {
-					if (!pm.hasClass(css.disabled)) {	
-					  self.addMonth(-1);
-					}
-					return false;
-				});
-				nm = root.find("#" + css.next).off("click").click(function(e) {
-					if (!nm.hasClass(css.disabled)) {
-						self.addMonth();
-					}
-					return false;
-				});	 
-				// set date
-				self.setValue(value);				 
-				// show calendar
-				var pos = input.offset();
-				// iPad position fix
-				if (/iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
-					pos.top -= $(window).scrollTop();
-				}
-				root.css({ 
-					top: pos.top + input.outerHeight(true) + conf.offset[0], 
-					left: pos.left + conf.offset[1] 
-				});
-				if (conf.speed) {
-					root.show(conf.speed, function() {
-						onShow(e);			
-					});	
-				} else {
-					root.show();
-					onShow(e);
-				}
-				return self;
-			}, 
+                // prev / next month
+                pm = root.find("#" + css.prev).off("click").click(function(e) {
+                    if (!pm.hasClass(css.disabled)) {
+                      self.addMonth(-1);
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                });
+                nm = root.find("#" + css.next).off("click").click(function(e) {
+                    if (!nm.hasClass(css.disabled)) {
+                        self.addMonth();
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                });
+                // set date
+                self.setValue(value);
+                // show calendar
+                var pos = input.offset();
+                // iPad position fix
+                if (/iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+                    pos.top -= $(window).scrollTop();
+                }
+                root.css({
+                    top: pos.top + input.outerHeight(true) + conf.offset[0],
+                    left: pos.left + conf.offset[1]
+                });
+                if (conf.speed) {
+                    root.show(conf.speed, function() {
+                        onShow(e);
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    root.show();
+                    onShow(e);
+                }
+                return self;
+            },
       *   @public
       *   Set the value of the dateinput
-			setValue: function(year, month, day)  {
-				var date = integer(month) >= -1 ? new Date(integer(year), integer(month), integer(day == undefined || isNaN(day) ? 1 : day)) : 
-					year || value;				
-				if (date < min) { date = min; }
-				else if (date > max) { date = max; }
-				// date given as ISO string
-				if (typeof year == 'string') { date = parseDate(year); }
-				year = date.getFullYear();
-				month = date.getMonth();
-				day = date.getDate(); 
-				// roll year & month
-				if (month == -1) {
-					month = 11;
-					year--;
-				} else if (month == 12) {
-					month = 0;
-					year++;
-				} 
-				if (!opened) { 
-					select(date, conf);
-					return self; 
-				} 				
-				currMonth = month;
-				currYear = year;
-				currDay = day;
-				// variables
-				var tmp = new Date(year, month, 1 - conf.firstDay), begin = tmp.getDay(),
-					 days = dayAm(year, month),
-					 prevDays = dayAm(year, month - 1),
-					 week;	 
-				// selectors
-				if (conf.selectors) { 
-					// month selector
-					monthSelector.empty();
-					$.each(labels.months, function(i, m) {					
-						if (min < new Date(year, i + 1, 1) && max > new Date(year, i, 0)) {
-							monthSelector.append($("<option/>").html(m).attr("value", i));
-						}
-					});
-					// year selector
-					yearSelector.empty();		
-					var yearNow = now.getFullYear();
-					for (var i = yearNow + conf.yearRange[0];  i < yearNow + conf.yearRange[1]; i++) {
-						if (min < new Date(i + 1, 0, 1) && max > new Date(i, 0, 0)) {
-							yearSelector.append($("<option/>").text(i));
-						}
-					}		
-					monthSelector.val(month);
-					yearSelector.val(year);
-				// title
-				} else {
-					title.html(labels.months[month] + " " + year);	
-				} 	   
-				// populate weeks
-				weeks.empty();				
-				pm.add(nm).removeClass(css.disabled); 
-				// !begin === "sunday"
-				for (var j = !begin ? -7 : 0, a, num; j < (!begin ? 35 : 42); j++) { 
-					a = $("<a/>");
-					if (j % 7 === 0) {
-						week = $("<div/>").addClass(css.week);
-						weeks.append(week);			
-					}					
-					if (j < begin)  { 
-						a.addClass(css.off); 
-						num = prevDays - begin + j + 1;
-						date = new Date(year, month-1, num);
-					} else if (j >= begin + days)  {
-						a.addClass(css.off);	
-						num = j - days - begin + 1;
-						date = new Date(year, month+1, num);
-					} else  { 
-						num = j - begin + 1;
-						date = new Date(year, month, num);  
-						// current date
-						if (isSameDay(value, date)) {
-							a.attr("id", css.current).addClass(css.focus);
-						// today
-						} else if (isSameDay(now, date)) {
-							a.attr("id", css.today);
-						}	 
-					}
-					// disabled
-					if (min && date < min) {
-						a.add(pm).addClass(css.disabled);						
-					}
-					if (max && date > max) {
-						a.add(nm).addClass(css.disabled);						
-					}
-					a.attr("href", "#" + num).text(num).data("date", date);					
-					week.append(a);
-				}
-				// date picking					
-				weeks.find("a").click(function(e) {
-					var el = $(this); 
-					if (!el.hasClass(css.disabled)) {  
-						$("#" + css.current).removeAttr("id");
-						el.attr("id", css.current);	 
-						select(el.data("date"), conf, e);
-					}
-					return false;
-				});
-				// sunday
-				if (css.sunday) {
-					weeks.find("." + css.week).each(function() {
-						var beg = conf.firstDay ? 7 - conf.firstDay : 0;
-						$(this).children().slice(beg, beg + 1).addClass(css.sunday);		
-					});	
-				} 
-				return self;
-			}, 
-	//}}}
-			setMin: function(val, fit) {
-				min = parseDate(val);
-				if (fit && value < min) { self.setValue(min); }
-				return self;
-			},
-			setMax: function(val, fit) {
-				max = parseDate(val);
-				if (fit && value > max) { self.setValue(max); }
-				return self;
-			}, 
-			today: function() {
-				return self.setValue(now);	
-			},
-			addDay: function(amount) {
-				return this.setValue(currYear, currMonth, currDay + (amount || 1));		
-			},
-			addMonth: function(amount) {
-			  var targetMonth        = currMonth + (amount || 1),
+            setValue: function(year, month, day)  {
+                var date = integer(month) >= -1 ? new Date(integer(year), integer(month), integer(day == undefined || isNaN(day) ? 1 : day)) :
+                    year || value;
+                if (date < min) { date = min; }
+                else if (date > max) { date = max; }
+                // date given as ISO string
+                if (typeof year == 'string') { date = parseDate(year); }
+                year = date.getFullYear();
+                month = date.getMonth();
+                day = date.getDate();
+                // roll year & month
+                if (month == -1) {
+                    month = 11;
+                    year--;
+                } else if (month == 12) {
+                    month = 0;
+                    year++;
+                }
+                if (!opened) {
+                    select(date, conf);
+                    return self;
+                }
+                currMonth = month;
+                currYear = year;
+                currDay = day;
+                // variables
+                var tmp = new Date(year, month, 1 - conf.firstDay), begin = tmp.getDay(),
+                     days = dayAm(year, month),
+                     prevDays = dayAm(year, month - 1),
+                     week;
+                // selectors
+                if (conf.selectors) {
+                    // month selector
+                    monthSelector.empty();
+                    $.each(labels.months, function(i, m) {
+                        if (min < new Date(year, i + 1, 1) && max > new Date(year, i, 0)) {
+                            monthSelector.append($("<option/>").html(m).attr("value", i));
+                        }
+                    });
+                    // year selector
+                    yearSelector.empty();
+                    var yearNow = now.getFullYear();
+                    for (var i = yearNow + conf.yearRange[0];  i < yearNow + conf.yearRange[1]; i++) {
+                        if (min < new Date(i + 1, 0, 1) && max > new Date(i, 0, 0)) {
+                            yearSelector.append($("<option/>").text(i));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    monthSelector.val(month);
+                    yearSelector.val(year);
+                // title
+                } else {
+                    title.html(labels.months[month] + " " + year);
+                }
+                // populate weeks
+                weeks.empty();
+                pm.add(nm).removeClass(css.disabled);
+                // !begin === "sunday"
+                for (var j = !begin ? -7 : 0, a, num; j < (!begin ? 35 : 42); j++) {
+                    a = $("<a/>");
+                    if (j % 7 === 0) {
+                        week = $("<div/>").addClass(css.week);
+                        weeks.append(week);
+                    }
+                    if (j < begin)  {
+                        a.addClass(css.off);
+                        num = prevDays - begin + j + 1;
+                        date = new Date(year, month-1, num);
+                    } else if (j >= begin + days)  {
+                        a.addClass(css.off);
+                        num = j - days - begin + 1;
+                        date = new Date(year, month+1, num);
+                    } else  {
+                        num = j - begin + 1;
+                        date = new Date(year, month, num);
+                        // current date
+                        if (isSameDay(value, date)) {
+                            a.attr("id", css.current).addClass(css.focus);
+                        // today
+                        } else if (isSameDay(now, date)) {
+                            a.attr("id", css.today);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // disabled
+                    if (min && date < min) {
+                        a.add(pm).addClass(css.disabled);
+                    }
+                    if (max && date > max) {
+                        a.add(nm).addClass(css.disabled);
+                    }
+                    a.attr("href", "#" + num).text(num).data("date", date);
+                    week.append(a);
+                }
+                // date picking
+                weeks.find("a").click(function(e) {
+                    var el = $(this);
+                    if (!el.hasClass(css.disabled)) {
+                        $("#" + css.current).removeAttr("id");
+                        el.attr("id", css.current);
+                        select(el.data("date"), conf, e);
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                });
+                // sunday
+                if (css.sunday) {
+                    weeks.find("." + css.week).each(function() {
+                        var beg = conf.firstDay ? 7 - conf.firstDay : 0;
+                        $(this).children().slice(beg, beg + 1).addClass(css.sunday);
+                    });
+                }
+                return self;
+            },
+    //}}}
+            setMin: function(val, fit) {
+                min = parseDate(val);
+                if (fit && value < min) { self.setValue(min); }
+                return self;
+            },
+            setMax: function(val, fit) {
+                max = parseDate(val);
+                if (fit && value > max) { self.setValue(max); }
+                return self;
+            },
+            today: function() {
+                return self.setValue(now);
+            },
+            addDay: function(amount) {
+                return this.setValue(currYear, currMonth, currDay + (amount || 1));
+            },
+            addMonth: function(amount) {
+              var targetMonth        = currMonth + (amount || 1),
             daysInTargetMonth  = dayAm(currYear, targetMonth),
             targetDay          = currDay <= daysInTargetMonth ? currDay : daysInTargetMonth;
         return this.setValue(currYear, targetMonth, targetDay);
-			},
-			addYear: function(amount) {
-				return this.setValue(currYear + (amount || 1), currMonth, currDay);	
-			},						
-			destroy: function() {
-				input.add(document).off("click.d keydown.d");
-				root.add(trigger).remove();
-				input.removeData("dateinput").removeClass(css.input);
-				if (original)  { input.replaceWith(original); }
-			},
-			hide: function(e) {				 
-				if (opened) {  
-					// onHide 
-					e = $.Event();
-					e.type = "onHide";
-					fire.trigger(e);
-					// cancelled ?
-					if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
-					$(document).off("click.d keydown.d");
-					// do the hide
-					root.hide();
-					opened = false;
-				}
-				return self;
-			},
-			toggle: function(){
-			  return self.isOpen() ? self.hide() : self.show();
-			},
-			getConf: function() {
-				return conf;	
-			},
-			getInput: function() {
-				return input;	
-			},
-			getCalendar: function() {
-				return root;	
-			},
-			getValue: function(dateFormat) {
-				return dateFormat ? format(conf.formatter, value, dateFormat, conf.lang) : value;	
-			},
-			isOpen: function() {
-				return opened;	
-			}
-		}); 
-		// callbacks	
-		$.each(['onBeforeShow','onShow','change','onHide'], function(i, name) {
-			// configuration
-			if ($.isFunction(conf[name]))  {
-				$(self).on(name, conf[name]);	
-			}
-			// API methods				
-			self[name] = function(fn) {
-				if (fn) { $(self).on(name, fn); }
-				return self;
-			};
-		});
-		if (!conf.editable) {
-			// show dateinput & assign keyboard shortcuts
-			input.on("focus.d click.d", self.show).keydown(function(e) {
-				var key = e.keyCode;
-				// open dateinput with navigation keyw
-				if (!opened &&  $(KEYS).index(key) >= 0) {
-					self.show(e);
-					return e.preventDefault();
-			// clear value on backspace or delete
-			} else if (key == 8 || key == 46) {
-				input.val("");
-				} 
-				// allow tab
-				return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || key == 9 ? true : e.preventDefault();   
-			});
-		}
-		// initial value 		
-		if (parseDate(input.val())) {
-			select(value, conf);
-		}
-	} 
-	$.expr[':'].date = function(el) {
-		var type = el.getAttribute("type");
-		return type && type == 'date' || !!$(el).data("dateinput");
-	};
-	$.fn.dateinput = function(conf) {   
-		// already instantiated
-		if (this.data("dateinput")) { return this; } 
-		// configuration
-		conf = $.extend(true, {}, tool.conf, conf);		
-		// CSS prefix
-		$.each(conf.css, function(key, val) {
-			if (!val && key != 'prefix') { 
-				conf.css[key] = (conf.css.prefix || '') + (val || key);
-			}
-		});		
-		var els;
-		this.each(function() {									
-			var el = new Dateinput($(this), conf);
-			instances.push(el);
-			var input = el.getInput().data("dateinput", el);
-			els = els ? els.add(input) : input;	
-		});		
-		return els ? els : this;		
-	}; 
+            },
+            addYear: function(amount) {
+                return this.setValue(currYear + (amount || 1), currMonth, currDay);
+            },
+            destroy: function() {
+                input.add(document).off("click.d keydown.d");
+                root.add(trigger).remove();
+                input.removeData("dateinput").removeClass(css.input);
+                if (original)  { input.replaceWith(original); }
+            },
+            hide: function(e) {
+                if (opened) {
+                    // onHide
+                    e = $.Event();
+                    e.type = "onHide";
+                    fire.trigger(e);
+                    // cancelled ?
+                    if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
+                    $(document).off("click.d keydown.d");
+                    // do the hide
+                    root.hide();
+                    opened = false;
+                }
+                return self;
+            },
+            toggle: function(){
+              return self.isOpen() ? self.hide() : self.show();
+            },
+            getConf: function() {
+                return conf;
+            },
+            getInput: function() {
+                return input;
+            },
+            getCalendar: function() {
+                return root;
+            },
+            getValue: function(dateFormat) {
+                return dateFormat ? format(conf.formatter, value, dateFormat, conf.lang) : value;
+            },
+            isOpen: function() {
+                return opened;
+            }
+        });
+        // callbacks
+        $.each(['onBeforeShow','onShow','change','onHide'], function(i, name) {
+            // configuration
+            if ($.isFunction(conf[name]))  {
+                $(self).on(name, conf[name]);
+            }
+            // API methods
+            self[name] = function(fn) {
+                if (fn) { $(self).on(name, fn); }
+                return self;
+            };
+        });
+        if (!conf.editable) {
+            // show dateinput & assign keyboard shortcuts
+            input.on("focus.d click.d", self.show).keydown(function(e) {
+                var key = e.keyCode;
+                // open dateinput with navigation keyw
+                if (!opened &&  $(KEYS).index(key) >= 0) {
+                    self.show(e);
+                    return e.preventDefault();
+            // clear value on backspace or delete
+            } else if (key == 8 || key == 46) {
+                input.val("");
+                }
+                // allow tab
+                return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || key == 9 ? true : e.preventDefault();
+            });
+        }
+        // initial value
+        if (parseDate(input.val())) {
+            select(value, conf);
+        }
+    }
+    $.expr[':'].date = function(el) {
+        var type = el.getAttribute("type");
+        return type && type == 'date' || !!$(el).data("dateinput");
+    };
+    $.fn.dateinput = function(conf) {
+        // already instantiated
+        if (this.data("dateinput")) { return this; }
+        // configuration
+        conf = $.extend(true, {}, tool.conf, conf);
+        // CSS prefix
+        $.each(conf.css, function(key, val) {
+            if (!val && key != 'prefix') {
+                conf.css[key] = (conf.css.prefix || '') + (val || key);
+            }
+        });
+        var els;
+        this.each(function() {
+            var el = new Dateinput($(this), conf);
+            instances.push(el);
+            var input = el.getInput().data("dateinput", el);
+            els = els ? els.add(input) : input;
+        });
+        return els ? els : this;
+    };
 }) (jQuery);

Repository: plone.app.jquerytools
Branch: refs/heads/master
Date: 2014-09-10T15:48:38+02:00
Author: Thomas Desvenain (tdesvenain) <thomas.desvenain at gmail.com>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.jquerytools/commit/bc1f1f156e4043444c53304a4f7058f386a770dd


Files changed:
M .gitignore

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2a8cb43..7de0a5e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ repo-jqueryform/

Repository: plone.app.jquerytools
Branch: refs/heads/master
Date: 2014-09-10T15:58:07+02:00
Author: Thomas Desvenain (tdesvenain) <thomas.desvenain at gmail.com>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.jquerytools/commit/ba2f3da1cf921008cf0b4dca87ce39df0f58379b

Fix dateinput (change event was not triggered anymore)

Files changed:
M plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
M plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.min.js

diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index e5484c4..20368bf 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Changelog
 1.6.1 (unreleased)
-- Nothing changed yet.
+- Fix dateinput (change event was not triggered anymore).
+  [thomasdesvenain]
 1.6.0 (2014-07-10)
diff --git a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
index 74127e8..91a20b5 100644
--- a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
+++ b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.js
@@ -318,7 +318,8 @@
             // formatting
             input.val(format(conf.formatter, date, conf.format, conf.lang));
-                        // change
+            // change
+            e.type = "change";
             e.target = input[0];
diff --git a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.min.js b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.min.js
index 49bc8a7..9fef390 100644
--- a/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.min.js
+++ b/plone/app/jquerytools/browser/jquery.tools.dateinput.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-!function($,undefined){function dayAm(year,month){return new Date(year,month+1,0).getDate()}function zeropad(val,len){for(val=""+val,len=len||2;val.length<len;)val="0"+val;return val}function format(formatter,date,text,lang){var d=date.getDate(),D=date.getDay(),m=date.getMonth(),y=date.getFullYear(),flags={d:d,dd:zeropad(d),ddd:LABELS[lang].shortDays[D],dddd:LABELS[lang].days[D],m:m+1,mm:zeropad(m+1),mmm:LABELS[lang].shortMonths[m],mmmm:LABELS[lang].months[m],yy:String(y).slice(2),yyyy:y},ret=formatters[formatter](text,date,flags,lang);return tmpTag.html(ret).html()}function integer(val){return parseInt(val,10)}function isSameDay(d1,d2){return d1.getFullYear()===d2.getFullYear()&&d1.getMonth()==d2.getMonth()&&d1.getDate()==d2.getDate()}function parseDate(val){if(val!==undefined){if(val.constructor==Date)return val;if("string"==typeof val){var els=val.split("-");if(3==els.length)return new 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\ No newline at end of file
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text.replace(/d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g,function($0){return $0 in flags?flags[$0]:$0})}),tool.addFormatter("prefixed",function(text,date,flags){return text.replace(/%(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g,function($0,$1){return $1 in flags?flags[$1]:$0})}),$.expr[":"].date=function(el){var type=el.getAttribute("type");return type&&"date"==type||!!$(el).data("dateinput")},$.fn.dateinput=function(conf){if(this.data("dateinput"))return this;conf=$.extend(!0,{},tool.conf,conf),$.each(conf.css,function(key,val){val||"prefix"==key||(conf.css[key]=(conf.css.prefix||"")+(val||key))});var els;return this.each(function(){var el=new Dateinput($(this),conf);instances.push(el);var input=el.getInput().data("dateinput",el);els=els?els.add(input):input}),els?els:this}}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file

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