[Testbot] Plone 5.0 - Python 2.7 - Build # 3539 - Still failing! - 0 failure(s)

jenkins at plone.org jenkins at plone.org
Sat Nov 1 11:35:33 UTC 2014

Plone 5.0 - Python 2.7 - Build # 3539 - Still Failing!



Repository: plone.app.upgrade
Branch: refs/heads/master
Date: 2014-11-01T11:30:55Z
Author: esteele (esteele) <eric at esteele.net>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.upgrade/commit/eb7da028c5b23f082755c7c7ba85c9f25d05a779

Move b1 to a3

Files changed:
M plone/app/upgrade/v50/alphas.py
M plone/app/upgrade/v50/betas.py
M plone/app/upgrade/v50/configure.zcml

diff --git a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/alphas.py b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/alphas.py
index cdfba0b..d71fec7 100644
--- a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/alphas.py
+++ b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/alphas.py
@@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
 from Acquisition import aq_parent, aq_base
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
+from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IEditingSchema
+from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IMaintenanceSchema
+from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import INavigationSchema
+from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISearchSchema
+from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISiteSchema
+from plone.app.upgrade.utils import loadMigrationProfile
+from plone.app.upgrade.v40.alphas import cleanUpToolRegistry
+from plone.app.vocabularies.types import BAD_TYPES
 from plone.keyring.interfaces import IKeyManager
-from plone.keyring.keyring import Keyring
 from plone.keyring.keymanager import KeyManager
-from zope.component import getUtility
+from plone.keyring.keyring import Keyring
+from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
 from zope.component import getSiteManager
+from zope.component import getUtility
 from zope.component.hooks import getSite
-from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-from plone.app.upgrade.utils import loadMigrationProfile
-from plone.app.upgrade.v40.alphas import cleanUpToolRegistry
-import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('plone.app.upgrade')
 logger = logging.getLogger('plone.app.upgrade')
@@ -124,3 +136,170 @@ def upgrade_keyring(context):
     if sm.queryUtility(IKeyManager) is None:
         obj = KeyManager()
         sm.registerUtility(aq_base(obj), IKeyManager, '')
+def to50alhpa3(context):
+    """5.0alpha2 - > 5.0alpha3"""
+    loadMigrationProfile(context, 'profile-plone.app.upgrade.v50:to50alpha3')
+def upgrade_editing_controlpanel_settings(context):
+    """Copy editing control panel settings from portal properties into the new
+       registry.
+    """
+    # get the old site properties
+    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
+    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
+    # get the new registry
+    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
+    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
+    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
+    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
+    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
+    # attributes.
+    try:
+        settings = registry.forInterface(
+            IEditingSchema,
+            prefix='plone',
+        )
+    except KeyError:
+        settings = False
+    if settings:
+        # migrate the old site properties to the new registry
+        settings.visible_ids = site_properties.visible_ids
+        settings.enable_link_integrity_checks = \
+            site_properties.enable_link_integrity_checks
+        settings.ext_editor = site_properties.ext_editor
+        #settings.available_editors = site_properties.available_editors
+        # Kupu will not be available as editor in Plone 5. Therefore we just
+        # ignore the setting.
+        if site_properties.default_editor != 'Kupu':
+            settings.default_editor = site_properties.default_editor
+        settings.lock_on_ttw_edit = site_properties.lock_on_ttw_edit
+def upgrade_maintenance_controlpanel_settings(context):
+    """Copy maintenance control panel settings from portal properties into the
+       new registry.
+    """
+    # get the old site properties
+    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
+    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
+    # get the new registry
+    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
+    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
+    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
+    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
+    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
+    # attributes.
+    try:
+        settings = registry.forInterface(
+            IMaintenanceSchema,
+            prefix='plone',
+        )
+    except KeyError:
+        settings = False
+    if settings:
+        settings.days = site_properties.number_of_days_to_keep
+def upgrade_navigation_controlpanel_settings(context):
+    """Copy navigation control panel settings from portal properties into the
+       new registry.
+    """
+    # get the old site properties
+    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
+    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
+    navigation_properties = portal_properties.navtree_properties
+    types_tool = getToolByName(context, "portal_types")
+    # get the new registry
+    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
+    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
+    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
+    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
+    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
+    # attributes.
+    try:
+        settings = registry.forInterface(
+            INavigationSchema,
+            prefix='plone',
+        )
+    except KeyError:
+        settings = False
+    if settings:
+        settings.disable_folder_sections = site_properties.getProperty(
+            'disable_folder_sections')
+        settings.disable_nonfolderish_sections = site_properties.getProperty(
+            'disable_nonfolderish_sections')
+        settings.show_all_parents = navigation_properties.getProperty(
+            'showAllParents')
+        allTypes = types_tool.listContentTypes()
+        blacklist = navigation_properties.metaTypesNotToList
+        settings.displayed_types = tuple([
+            t for t in allTypes if t not in blacklist
+            and t not in BAD_TYPES
+        ])
+        settings.enable_wf_state_filtering = navigation_properties.getProperty(
+            'enable_wf_state_filtering')
+        settings.wf_states_to_show = navigation_properties.getProperty(
+            'wf_states_to_show')
+def upgrade_search_controlpanel_settings(context):
+    """Copy search control panel settings from portal properties into the
+       new registry.
+    """
+    # get the old site properties
+    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
+    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
+    types_tool = getToolByName(context, "portal_types")
+    # get the new registry
+    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
+    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
+    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
+    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
+    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
+    # attributes.
+    try:
+        settings = registry.forInterface(
+            ISearchSchema,
+            prefix='plone',
+        )
+    except KeyError:
+        settings = False
+    settings.enable_livesearch = site_properties.enable_livesearch
+    settings.types_not_searched = tuple([
+        t for t in types_tool.listContentTypes()
+        if t not in site_properties.types_not_searched and
+        t not in BAD_TYPES
+    ])
+def upgrade_site_controlpanel_settings(context):
+    """Copy site control panel settings from portal properties into the
+       new registry.
+    """
+    # get the old site properties
+    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
+    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
+    portal = getSite()
+    # get the new registry
+    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
+    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
+    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
+    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
+    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
+    # attributes.
+    try:
+        settings = registry.forInterface(
+            ISiteSchema,
+            prefix='plone',
+        )
+    except KeyError:
+        settings = False
+    settings.site_title = unicode(portal.title)
+    settings.webstats_js = unicode(site_properties.webstats_js)
+    settings.enable_sitemap = site_properties.enable_sitemap
+    settings.exposeDCMetaTags = site_properties.exposeDCMetaTags
diff --git a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/betas.py b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/betas.py
index 1dd1aaf..e69de29 100644
--- a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/betas.py
+++ b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/betas.py
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-from plone.app.upgrade.utils import loadMigrationProfile
-from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
-from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IEditingSchema
-from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import INavigationSchema
-from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IMaintenanceSchema
-from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISearchSchema
-from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISiteSchema
-from plone.app.vocabularies.types import BAD_TYPES
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from zope.site.hooks import getSite
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger('plone.app.upgrade')
-def to50beta1(context):
-    """5.0alpha3 - > 5.0beta1"""
-    loadMigrationProfile(context, 'profile-plone.app.upgrade.v50:to50alpha1')
-def upgrade_editing_controlpanel_settings(context):
-    """Copy editing control panel settings from portal properties into the new
-       registry.
-    """
-    # get the old site properties
-    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
-    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
-    # get the new registry
-    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
-    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
-    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
-    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
-    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
-    # attributes.
-    try:
-        settings = registry.forInterface(
-            IEditingSchema,
-            prefix='plone',
-        )
-    except KeyError:
-        settings = False
-    if settings:
-        # migrate the old site properties to the new registry
-        settings.visible_ids = site_properties.visible_ids
-        settings.enable_link_integrity_checks = \
-            site_properties.enable_link_integrity_checks
-        settings.ext_editor = site_properties.ext_editor
-        #settings.available_editors = site_properties.available_editors
-        # Kupu will not be available as editor in Plone 5. Therefore we just
-        # ignore the setting.
-        if site_properties.default_editor != 'Kupu':
-            settings.default_editor = site_properties.default_editor
-        settings.lock_on_ttw_edit = site_properties.lock_on_ttw_edit
-def upgrade_maintenance_controlpanel_settings(context):
-    """Copy maintenance control panel settings from portal properties into the
-       new registry.
-    """
-    # get the old site properties
-    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
-    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
-    # get the new registry
-    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
-    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
-    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
-    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
-    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
-    # attributes.
-    try:
-        settings = registry.forInterface(
-            IMaintenanceSchema,
-            prefix='plone',
-        )
-    except KeyError:
-        settings = False
-    if settings:
-        settings.days = site_properties.number_of_days_to_keep
-def upgrade_navigation_controlpanel_settings(context):
-    """Copy navigation control panel settings from portal properties into the
-       new registry.
-    """
-    # get the old site properties
-    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
-    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
-    navigation_properties = portal_properties.navtree_properties
-    types_tool = getToolByName(context, "portal_types")
-    # get the new registry
-    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
-    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
-    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
-    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
-    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
-    # attributes.
-    try:
-        settings = registry.forInterface(
-            INavigationSchema,
-            prefix='plone',
-        )
-    except KeyError:
-        settings = False
-    if settings:
-        settings.disable_folder_sections = site_properties.getProperty(
-            'disable_folder_sections')
-        settings.disable_nonfolderish_sections = site_properties.getProperty(
-            'disable_nonfolderish_sections')
-        settings.show_all_parents = navigation_properties.getProperty(
-            'showAllParents')
-        allTypes = types_tool.listContentTypes()
-        blacklist = navigation_properties.metaTypesNotToList
-        settings.displayed_types = tuple([
-            t for t in allTypes if t not in blacklist
-            and t not in BAD_TYPES
-        ])
-        settings.enable_wf_state_filtering = navigation_properties.getProperty(
-            'enable_wf_state_filtering')
-        settings.wf_states_to_show = navigation_properties.getProperty(
-            'wf_states_to_show')
-def upgrade_search_controlpanel_settings(context):
-    """Copy search control panel settings from portal properties into the
-       new registry.
-    """
-    # get the old site properties
-    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
-    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
-    types_tool = getToolByName(context, "portal_types")
-    # get the new registry
-    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
-    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
-    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
-    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
-    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
-    # attributes.
-    try:
-        settings = registry.forInterface(
-            ISearchSchema,
-            prefix='plone',
-        )
-    except KeyError:
-        settings = False
-    settings.enable_livesearch = site_properties.enable_livesearch
-    settings.types_not_searched = tuple([
-        t for t in types_tool.listContentTypes()
-        if t not in site_properties.types_not_searched and
-        t not in BAD_TYPES
-    ])
-def upgrade_site_controlpanel_settings(context):
-    """Copy site control panel settings from portal properties into the
-       new registry.
-    """
-    # get the old site properties
-    portal_properties = getToolByName(context, "portal_properties")
-    site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
-    portal = getSite()
-    # get the new registry
-    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
-    # XXX: Somehow this code is excecuted for old migration steps as well
-    # ( < Plone 4 ) and breaks because there is no registry. Looking up the
-    # registry interfaces with 'check=False' will not work, because it will
-    # return a settings object and then fail when we try to access the
-    # attributes.
-    try:
-        settings = registry.forInterface(
-            ISiteSchema,
-            prefix='plone',
-        )
-    except KeyError:
-        settings = False
-    settings.site_title = unicode(portal.title)
-    settings.webstats_js = unicode(site_properties.webstats_js)
-    settings.enable_sitemap = site_properties.enable_sitemap
-    settings.exposeDCMetaTags = site_properties.exposeDCMetaTags
diff --git a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/configure.zcml b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/configure.zcml
index 0c65889..b4dca3d 100644
--- a/plone/app/upgrade/v50/configure.zcml
+++ b/plone/app/upgrade/v50/configure.zcml
@@ -44,39 +44,39 @@
-           title="Run to50beta1 upgrade profile"
+           title="Run to50alpha3 upgrade profile"
-           handler=".betas.to50beta1"
+           handler=".alphas.to50alpha3"
            title="Upgrade editing control panel settings"
-           handler=".betas.upgrade_editing_controlpanel_settings"
+           handler=".alphas.upgrade_editing_controlpanel_settings"
            title="Upgrade maintenance control panel settings"
-           handler=".betas.upgrade_maintenance_controlpanel_settings"
+           handler=".alphas.upgrade_maintenance_controlpanel_settings"
            title="Upgrade navigation control panel settings"
-           handler=".betas.upgrade_navigation_controlpanel_settings"
+           handler=".alphas.upgrade_navigation_controlpanel_settings"
            title="Upgrade search control panel settings"
-           handler=".betas.upgrade_search_controlpanel_settings"
+           handler=".alphas.upgrade_search_controlpanel_settings"
            title="Upgrade site control panel settings"
-           handler=".betas.upgrade_site_controlpanel_settings"
+           handler=".alphas.upgrade_site_controlpanel_settings"

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