[Testbot] Plone 4.3 - Python 2.7 - Build # 2414 - Still failing! - 1 failure(s)

jenkins at plone.org jenkins at plone.org
Wed Jul 30 00:27:42 UTC 2014

Plone 4.3 - Python 2.7 - Build # 2414 - Still Failing!



Repository: plone.app.textfield
Branch: refs/heads/master
Date: 2014-07-30T01:14:35+02:00
Author: Gil Forcada (gforcada) <gforcada at gnome.org>
Commit: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.textfield/commit/933f327c9faea25749d62d8a76045b2a0c665206

.txt -> .rst

Files changed:
A docs/HISTORY.rst
M setup.py
D docs/HISTORY.txt

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
deleted file mode 120000
index c3ca074..0000000
--- a/README.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc33c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+This package provides a zope.schema style field type called RichText which
+can be used to store a value with a related MIME type. The value can be
+transformed to an output MIME type, for example to transform from structured
+text to HTML.
+To use the field, place it in a schema like so::
+    from plone.app.textfield import RichText
+    from zope.interface import Interface
+    class ITest(Interface):
+        bodyText = RichText(
+                title=u"Body text",
+                default_mime_type='text/structured',
+                output_mime_type='text/html',
+                allowed_mime_types=('text/structured', 'text/plain',),
+                default=u"Default value"
+            )
+This specifies the default MIME type of text content as well as the default
+output type, and a tuple of allowed types. All these values are optional.
+The default MIME type is 'text/html', and the default output type is
+'text/x-html-safe'. By default, ``allowed_mime_types`` is None, which means
+that the side-wide default set of allowable input MIME types will be permitted.
+Note that the default value here is set to a unicode string, which will be
+considered to be of the default MIME type. This value is converted to a
+``RichTextValue`` object (see below) on field initialisation, so the
+``default`` property will be an object of this type.
+The field actually stores an immutable object of type
+`plone.app.textfield.value.RichTextValue`. This object has the following
+    raw
+        The raw value as a unicode string.
+    mimeType
+        The MIME type of the raw text.
+    output
+        A unicode string that represents the value transformed to the
+        default output MIME type. May be None if the transformation could
+        not be completed successfully, but will be cached after it has been
+        successfully transformed once.
+    outputMimeType
+        The MIME type of the output string. This is normally copied from the
+        field's ``output_mime_type`` property.
+That the ``output``, ``mimeType`` and ``outputMimeType`` properties will be
+stored in the same _p_jar as the parent content object, whilst the ``raw``
+value is stored in a separate persistent object. This is to optimise for the
+common case where the ``output`` is frequently accessed when the object is
+viewed (and thus should avoid a separate persistent object load), whereas the
+``raw`` value is infrequently accessed (and so should not take up memory
+unless specifically requested).
+Transformation takes place using an ``ITransformer`` adapter. The default
+implementation uses Plone's ``portal_transforms`` tool to convert form one
+MIME type to another. Note that ``Products.PortalTransforms`` must be installed
+for this to work, otherwise no default ITransformer adapter is registered.
+You can use the ``[portaltransforms]`` extra to add
+``Products.PortralTransforms`` as a dependency.
+To invoke alternative transformations from a page template, you can use the
+following convenience syntax::
+  <div tal:content="structure context/@@text-transform/fieldName/text/plain" />
+Here ``fieldName`` is the name of the field (which must be found on ``context``
+and contain a ``RichTextValue``). ``text/plain`` is the desired output MIME
+The package also contains a ``plone.supermodel`` export/import handler, which
+will be configured if plone.supermodel is installed. You can use the
+``[supermodel]`` extra to add a ``plone.supermodel`` dependency.
+A ``z3c.form`` widget will be installed if `z3c.form`` is installed.
+The ``[widget]`` extra will pull this dependency in if nothing else does.
+A ``plone.rfc822`` field marshaler will be installed if ``plone.rfc822`` is
+installed. The ``[marshaler]`` extra will pull this dependency in if nothing
+else does.
+A ``plone.schemaeditor`` field factory will be installed if
+``plone.schemaeditor`` is installed. The ``editor`` extra will pull this
+dependency if nothing else does.
+See field.txt for more details about the field's behaviour, and handler.txt
+for more details about the plone.supermodel handler.
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fc33c63..0000000
--- a/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-This package provides a zope.schema style field type called RichText which
-can be used to store a value with a related MIME type. The value can be
-transformed to an output MIME type, for example to transform from structured
-text to HTML.
-To use the field, place it in a schema like so::
-    from plone.app.textfield import RichText
-    from zope.interface import Interface
-    class ITest(Interface):
-        bodyText = RichText(
-                title=u"Body text",
-                default_mime_type='text/structured',
-                output_mime_type='text/html',
-                allowed_mime_types=('text/structured', 'text/plain',),
-                default=u"Default value"
-            )
-This specifies the default MIME type of text content as well as the default
-output type, and a tuple of allowed types. All these values are optional.
-The default MIME type is 'text/html', and the default output type is
-'text/x-html-safe'. By default, ``allowed_mime_types`` is None, which means
-that the side-wide default set of allowable input MIME types will be permitted.
-Note that the default value here is set to a unicode string, which will be
-considered to be of the default MIME type. This value is converted to a
-``RichTextValue`` object (see below) on field initialisation, so the
-``default`` property will be an object of this type.
-The field actually stores an immutable object of type
-`plone.app.textfield.value.RichTextValue`. This object has the following
-    raw
-        The raw value as a unicode string.
-    mimeType
-        The MIME type of the raw text.
-    output
-        A unicode string that represents the value transformed to the
-        default output MIME type. May be None if the transformation could
-        not be completed successfully, but will be cached after it has been
-        successfully transformed once.
-    outputMimeType
-        The MIME type of the output string. This is normally copied from the
-        field's ``output_mime_type`` property.
-That the ``output``, ``mimeType`` and ``outputMimeType`` properties will be
-stored in the same _p_jar as the parent content object, whilst the ``raw``
-value is stored in a separate persistent object. This is to optimise for the
-common case where the ``output`` is frequently accessed when the object is
-viewed (and thus should avoid a separate persistent object load), whereas the
-``raw`` value is infrequently accessed (and so should not take up memory
-unless specifically requested).
-Transformation takes place using an ``ITransformer`` adapter. The default
-implementation uses Plone's ``portal_transforms`` tool to convert form one
-MIME type to another. Note that ``Products.PortalTransforms`` must be installed
-for this to work, otherwise no default ITransformer adapter is registered.
-You can use the ``[portaltransforms]`` extra to add
-``Products.PortralTransforms`` as a dependency.
-To invoke alternative transformations from a page template, you can use the
-following convenience syntax::
-  <div tal:content="structure context/@@text-transform/fieldName/text/plain" />
-Here ``fieldName`` is the name of the field (which must be found on ``context``
-and contain a ``RichTextValue``). ``text/plain`` is the desired output MIME
-The package also contains a ``plone.supermodel`` export/import handler, which
-will be configured if plone.supermodel is installed. You can use the
-``[supermodel]`` extra to add a ``plone.supermodel`` dependency.
-A ``z3c.form`` widget will be installed if `z3c.form`` is installed.
-The ``[widget]`` extra will pull this dependency in if nothing else does.
-A ``plone.rfc822`` field marshaler will be installed if ``plone.rfc822`` is
-installed. The ``[marshaler]`` extra will pull this dependency in if nothing
-else does.
-A ``plone.schemaeditor`` field factory will be installed if
-``plone.schemaeditor`` is installed. The ``editor`` extra will pull this
-dependency if nothing else does.
-See field.txt for more details about the field's behaviour, and handler.txt
-for more details about the plone.supermodel handler.
diff --git a/docs/HISTORY.rst b/docs/HISTORY.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4831d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/HISTORY.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+1.2.4 (unreleased)
+- Do not give an error when the raw value is not unicode and isn't
+  ascii. In that case, encode as unicode then decode as the proper
+  string, bang head on desk.
+  [eleddy]
+- Internationalization.
+  [thomasdesvenain]
+1.2.3 (2014-01-27)
+- Do not give an error when the raw value is None.  Give an empty
+  unicode string as output in that case.
+  [maurits]
+1.2.2 (2013-01-01)
+* Add support for collective.ckeditor.
+  [tschorr]
+1.2.1 (2012-08-14)
+* Fix compatibility with Zope 2.12. [davisagli]
+1.2 (2012-08-14)
+* Pass field's max_length to the wysiwyg macro, if it has one.
+  [davisagli]
+* Determine which editor's wysiwyg_support template to use from within
+  widget_input.pt. Fixes support for collective.ckeditor.
+  [tschorr, davisagli]
+* Update getSite import locations.
+  [hannosch]
+* Make sure that the display widget absolutizes relative links relative
+  to the correct context. To facilitate doing this from custom templates,
+  RichTextValue now has an ``output_relative_to`` helper method which
+  can be passed a context.
+  [davisagli]
+* Fix an issue with the support for plone.schemaeditor.
+  [davisagli]
+* Support a ``max_length`` parameter for RichText fields. Input longer
+  than the max_length does not pass validation.
+  [davisagli]
+* Pass some additional context to the wysiwyg_support macro to help with
+  determining the field's mimetype.
+  [davisagli]
+* Changed deprecated getSiteEncoding to hardcoded `utf-8`
+  [tom_gross]
+1.1 - 2012-02-20
+* Provide a version of the RichText field schema for use with
+  plone.schemaeditor. Only the ``default_mime_type`` field is exposed for
+  editing through-the-web, with a vocabulary of mimetypes derived from
+  the ``AllowedContentTypes`` vocabulary in ``plone.app.vocabularies``
+  (which can be adjusted via Plone's markup control panel).
+  [davisagli]
+* Log original exception when a TransformError is raised.
+  [rochecompaan]
+1.0.2 - 2011-11-26
+* If no transform path is found: Instead of throwing an exception page
+  in the face of the user, now return an empty string and log error message.
+  [kleist]
+* Fix infinite recursion bug when source and target mimetype is the
+  same. [rochecompaan]
+1.0.1 - 2011-09-24
+* Make sure the field constraint is validated, if specified.
+  This closes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=200
+  [davisagli]
+* Make sure validation fails if no text is entered for a required field.
+  This closes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=199
+  [davisagli]
+* Wrap the context in the form context, not the site, so that relative links
+  are generated correctly.
+  [davisagli]
+* Avoid duplicating the id of the textarea if the form has no prefix.
+  [davisagli]
+* Fix case where editor did not load if the context being edited is a
+  dict.
+  [davisagli]
+* Pass through the z3c.form widget's ``rows`` and ``cols`` settings to the
+  wysiwyg editor macro.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0 - 2011-04-30
+* Fix failing test.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0b7 - 2011-02-11
+* Don't persistently cache output. Transforms may depend on outside state
+  (e.g. the uuid transform.) PortalTransform's caching is imperfect, but it is
+  time limited. http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=151
+  [elro]
+* Pass context to portal transforms.
+  [elro]
+1.0b6 - 2010-04-18
+* Fix the field schemata so they can be used as the form schema when adding the
+  field using plone.schemaeditor
+  [rossp]
+* Remove unused lookup of the current member's editor preference. This is
+  handled by the wysiwyg_support macros.
+  [davisagli]
+1.0b5 - 2009-11-17
+* Fix an error that could occur if the user did not have an editor preference
+  set.
+  [optilude]
+* Fix tests on Plone 4.
+  [optilude]
+* Add field factory for use with plone.schemaeditor (only configured if that
+  package is installed).
+  [davisagli]
+1.0b4 - 2009-10-12
+* Update README.txt to be in line with reality.
+  [optilude]
+* Fix the @@text-transform view to work with path traversal.
+  [optilude]
+1.0b3 - 2009-10-08
+* Add plone.rfc822 field marshaller. This is only configured if that package
+  is installed.
+  [optilude]
+1.0b2 - 2009-09-21
+* Store the raw value in a separate persistent object in the ZODB instead of
+  in a BLOB. This avoids potential problems with having thousands of small
+  BLOB files, which would not be very space efficient on many filesystems.
+  [optilude]
+* Make the RichTextValue immutable. This greatly simplifies the code and
+  avoids the need to keep track of the parent object.
+  [optilude]
+1.0b1 - 2009-09-17
+* Initial release
diff --git a/docs/HISTORY.txt b/docs/HISTORY.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4831d92..0000000
--- a/docs/HISTORY.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-1.2.4 (unreleased)
-- Do not give an error when the raw value is not unicode and isn't
-  ascii. In that case, encode as unicode then decode as the proper
-  string, bang head on desk.
-  [eleddy]
-- Internationalization.
-  [thomasdesvenain]
-1.2.3 (2014-01-27)
-- Do not give an error when the raw value is None.  Give an empty
-  unicode string as output in that case.
-  [maurits]
-1.2.2 (2013-01-01)
-* Add support for collective.ckeditor.
-  [tschorr]
-1.2.1 (2012-08-14)
-* Fix compatibility with Zope 2.12. [davisagli]
-1.2 (2012-08-14)
-* Pass field's max_length to the wysiwyg macro, if it has one.
-  [davisagli]
-* Determine which editor's wysiwyg_support template to use from within
-  widget_input.pt. Fixes support for collective.ckeditor.
-  [tschorr, davisagli]
-* Update getSite import locations.
-  [hannosch]
-* Make sure that the display widget absolutizes relative links relative
-  to the correct context. To facilitate doing this from custom templates,
-  RichTextValue now has an ``output_relative_to`` helper method which
-  can be passed a context.
-  [davisagli]
-* Fix an issue with the support for plone.schemaeditor.
-  [davisagli]
-* Support a ``max_length`` parameter for RichText fields. Input longer
-  than the max_length does not pass validation.
-  [davisagli]
-* Pass some additional context to the wysiwyg_support macro to help with
-  determining the field's mimetype.
-  [davisagli]
-* Changed deprecated getSiteEncoding to hardcoded `utf-8`
-  [tom_gross]
-1.1 - 2012-02-20
-* Provide a version of the RichText field schema for use with
-  plone.schemaeditor. Only the ``default_mime_type`` field is exposed for
-  editing through-the-web, with a vocabulary of mimetypes derived from
-  the ``AllowedContentTypes`` vocabulary in ``plone.app.vocabularies``
-  (which can be adjusted via Plone's markup control panel).
-  [davisagli]
-* Log original exception when a TransformError is raised.
-  [rochecompaan]
-1.0.2 - 2011-11-26
-* If no transform path is found: Instead of throwing an exception page
-  in the face of the user, now return an empty string and log error message.
-  [kleist]
-* Fix infinite recursion bug when source and target mimetype is the
-  same. [rochecompaan]
-1.0.1 - 2011-09-24
-* Make sure the field constraint is validated, if specified.
-  This closes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=200
-  [davisagli]
-* Make sure validation fails if no text is entered for a required field.
-  This closes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=199
-  [davisagli]
-* Wrap the context in the form context, not the site, so that relative links
-  are generated correctly.
-  [davisagli]
-* Avoid duplicating the id of the textarea if the form has no prefix.
-  [davisagli]
-* Fix case where editor did not load if the context being edited is a
-  dict.
-  [davisagli]
-* Pass through the z3c.form widget's ``rows`` and ``cols`` settings to the
-  wysiwyg editor macro.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0 - 2011-04-30
-* Fix failing test.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0b7 - 2011-02-11
-* Don't persistently cache output. Transforms may depend on outside state
-  (e.g. the uuid transform.) PortalTransform's caching is imperfect, but it is
-  time limited. http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=151
-  [elro]
-* Pass context to portal transforms.
-  [elro]
-1.0b6 - 2010-04-18
-* Fix the field schemata so they can be used as the form schema when adding the
-  field using plone.schemaeditor
-  [rossp]
-* Remove unused lookup of the current member's editor preference. This is
-  handled by the wysiwyg_support macros.
-  [davisagli]
-1.0b5 - 2009-11-17
-* Fix an error that could occur if the user did not have an editor preference
-  set.
-  [optilude]
-* Fix tests on Plone 4.
-  [optilude]
-* Add field factory for use with plone.schemaeditor (only configured if that
-  package is installed).
-  [davisagli]
-1.0b4 - 2009-10-12
-* Update README.txt to be in line with reality.
-  [optilude]
-* Fix the @@text-transform view to work with path traversal.
-  [optilude]
-1.0b3 - 2009-10-08
-* Add plone.rfc822 field marshaller. This is only configured if that package
-  is installed.
-  [optilude]
-1.0b2 - 2009-09-21
-* Store the raw value in a separate persistent object in the ZODB instead of
-  in a BLOB. This avoids potential problems with having thousands of small
-  BLOB files, which would not be very space efficient on many filesystems.
-  [optilude]
-* Make the RichTextValue immutable. This greatly simplifies the code and
-  avoids the need to keep track of the parent object.
-  [optilude]
-1.0b1 - 2009-09-17
-* Initial release
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index def5b3a..22874cf 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
       description="Text field with MIME type support",
-      long_description=open("README.txt").read() + "\n" +
-                       open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.txt")).read(),
+      long_description=open("README.rst").read() + "\n" +
+                       open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.rst")).read(),
       # Get more strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
         "Framework :: Plone",

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