[Testbot] FAILED (98 packages, 1 failures) : Plone-4.0 Zope-2.12 Python-2.6.5

Plone Tests plone-tests at epy.co.at
Mon Jan 31 08:07:48 UTC 2011

Plone Tests : FAILED (98 packages, 1 failures)
Plone-4.0 Zope-2.12 Python-2.6.5

Running ./bin/alltests -q --no-color --no-progress
Running Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.079 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 3.450 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 1.507 seconds.
  Ran 31 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.563 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.035 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.078 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.934 seconds.
  Ran 614 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1 minutes 17.169 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.206 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.010 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 645 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 1 minutes 30.539 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.860 seconds.
  Ran 9 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.107 seconds.
Running Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ZCML tests:
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.227 seconds.
  Set up Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ZCML in 0.181 seconds.
  Ran 59 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.109 seconds.
Running Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ArchetypesSite tests:
  Set up Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ArchetypesSite in 1.374 seconds.

Failure in test test_copyKeepsReferences (Products.Archetypes.tests.test_referenceable.SimpleBTreeFolderReferenceableTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/python2.6/lib/python2.6/unittest.py", line 279, in run
  File "/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.6.4-py2.6.egg/Products/Archetypes/tests/test_referenceable.py", line 608, in test_copyKeepsReferences
    self.failUnlessEqual(b.getBRefs(), [a, copy_a])
  File "/usr/local/python2.6/lib/python2.6/unittest.py", line 350, in failUnlessEqual
    (msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second))
AssertionError: [<DDocument at /cmf/Members/test_user_1_/dst_folder/a>, <DDocument at /cmf/Members/test_user_1_/org_folder/a>] != [<DDocument at /cmf/Members/test_user_1_/org_folder/a>, <DDocument at /cmf/Members/test_user_1_/dst_folder/a>]

  Ran 442 tests with 1 failures and 0 errors in 35.705 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Tear down Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ArchetypesSite in 0.043 seconds.
  Tear down Products.Archetypes.tests.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.747 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.779 seconds.
  Ran 10 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.483 seconds.
Running plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer tests:
  Set up plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer in 0.005 seconds.
  Ran 19 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.733 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.208 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 25 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.196 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 564 tests, 1 failures, 0 errors in 51.210 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.100 seconds.
  Ran 228 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.402 seconds.
Running Products.CMFCalendar.testing.FunctionalLayer tests:
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.207 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFCalendar.testing.FunctionalLayer in 0.337 seconds.
  Ran 20 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.532 seconds.
Running Products.CMFCore.testing.EventZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFCalendar.testing.FunctionalLayer in 0.017 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.EventZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 8 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.203 seconds.
Running Products.CMFCore.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.EventZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 10 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.970 seconds.
Running Products.CMFCore.testing.TraversingEventZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.TraversingEventZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 5 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.162 seconds.
Running Products.CMFDefault.testing.FunctionalLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.TraversingEventZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.187 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFDefault.testing.FunctionalLayer in 0.242 seconds.
  Ran 32 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4.134 seconds.
Running Products.CMFUid.testing.UidEventZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFDefault.testing.FunctionalLayer in 0.015 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFCore.testing.FunctionalZCMLLayer in 0.002 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFUid.testing.UidEventZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 12 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.312 seconds.
Running Products.DCWorkflow.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFUid.testing.UidEventZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.DCWorkflow.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.174 seconds.
  Ran 38 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.725 seconds.
Running Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.DCWorkflow.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.084 seconds.
  Ran 192 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.601 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 261 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.264 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 806 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 12.984 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.936 seconds.
  Ran 27 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.057 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 3.173 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.736 seconds.
  Ran 135 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 21.379 seconds.
Running Products.CMFDiffTool.tests.BaseTestCase.CMFDiffToolLayer tests:
  Set up Products.CMFDiffTool.tests.BaseTestCase.CMFDiffToolLayer in 0.013 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.223 seconds.
Running Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFDiffTool.tests.BaseTestCase.CMFDiffToolLayer in 0.212 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.006 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.003 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 1.327 seconds.
  Ran 20 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.394 seconds.
Running plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.032 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.003 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.005 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.815 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobLayer in 0.118 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer in 0.196 seconds.
  Ran 6 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.810 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.222 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.005 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 191 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 43.941 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/plone.app.content-2.0.2-py2.6.egg/plone/app/content/browser/tests/test_doctests.py:1: DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctest is deprecated in favour of the Python standard library doctest module
  from zope.testing import doctest
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/plone.app.i18n-2.0-py2.6.egg/plone/app/i18n/locales/browser/tests.py:7: DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctestunit is deprecated in favour of the Python standard library doctest module
  from zope.testing.doctestunit import DocTestSuite
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.569 seconds.
  Ran 120 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.746 seconds.
Running Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite tests:
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.528 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.225 seconds.
  Ran 31 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.944 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML tests:
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.017 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.003 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 1.979 seconds.
  Ran 12 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.016 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.906 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/Products.PortalTransforms-2.0.3-py2.6.egg/Products/PortalTransforms/libtransforms/commandtransform.py:103: DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
  cin, couterr = os.popen4(command, 'b')
  Ran 1465 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 3 minutes 41.925 seconds.
Running plone.app.contentrules.tests.test_configuration.TestContentrulesGSLayer tests:
  Set up plone.app.contentrules.tests.test_configuration.TestContentrulesGSLayer in 0.002 seconds.
  Ran 6 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.420 seconds.
Running plone.app.customerize.tests.layer.PloneCustomerize tests:
  Tear down plone.app.contentrules.tests.test_configuration.TestContentrulesGSLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.customerize.tests.layer.PloneCustomerize in 0.014 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.594 seconds.
Running plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer tests:
  Tear down plone.app.customerize.tests.layer.PloneCustomerize in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer in 0.004 seconds.
  Ran 15 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.232 seconds.
Running plone.app.upgrade.tests.base.FunctionalUpgradeLayer tests:
  Tear down plone.app.kss.tests.kss_and_plone_layer.KSSAndPloneLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.upgrade.tests.base.FunctionalUpgradeLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 11 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1 minutes 2.515 seconds.
Running plone.app.viewletmanager.tests.test_exportimport.Layer tests:
  Tear down plone.app.upgrade.tests.base.FunctionalUpgradeLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.208 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.038 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.viewletmanager.tests.test_exportimport.Layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 16 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.050 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.viewletmanager.tests.test_exportimport.Layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 128 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.945 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 1806 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 5 minutes 8.616 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.514 seconds.
  Ran 150 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.868 seconds.
Running Products.PlonePAS.tests.layer.PlonePASLayer tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.577 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.594 seconds.
  Set up Products.PlonePAS.tests.layer.PlonePASLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 149 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.953 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down Products.PlonePAS.tests.layer.PlonePASLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.193 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Generated checkid_setup request to http://www.myopenid.com/server with assocication {HMAC-SHA1}{4d465e5d}{HsHBAQ==}
Generated checkid_setup request to http://www.myopenid.com/server with assocication {HMAC-SHA1}{4d465e5e}{KIoK2w==}
  Ran 358 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.317 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 657 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 13.627 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/plone.fieldsets-2.0-py2.6.egg/plone/fieldsets/tests.py:6: DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctest is deprecated in favour of the Python standard library doctest module
  from zope.testing import doctest
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/plone.indexer-1.0-py2.6.egg/plone/indexer/tests.py:3: DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctestunit is deprecated in favour of the Python standard library doctest module
  from zope.testing import doctestunit
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.485 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.759 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.153 seconds.
  Ran 5 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.153 seconds.
Running plone.browserlayer.tests.test_doctest.PloneBrowserLayerLayer tests:
  Set up plone.browserlayer.tests.test_doctest.PloneBrowserLayerLayer in 0.003 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.668 seconds.
Running plone.theme.tests.test_doctest.PloneThemeLayer tests:
  Tear down plone.browserlayer.tests.test_doctest.PloneBrowserLayerLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up plone.theme.tests.test_doctest.PloneThemeLayer in 0.003 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.043 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.theme.tests.test_doctest.PloneThemeLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.192 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 176 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.487 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 183 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 10.854 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.907 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.580 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.884 seconds.
  Ran 171 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 15.657 seconds.
Running plone.app.portlets.tests.test_configuration.TestPortletZCMLLayer tests:
  Set up plone.app.portlets.tests.test_configuration.TestPortletZCMLLayer in 0.006 seconds.
  Ran 18 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 10.345 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.portlets.tests.test_configuration.TestPortletZCMLLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.200 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 5 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.157 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 194 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 34.393 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 47.769 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.007 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.007 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.123 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.448 seconds.
  Ran 23 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.560 seconds.
Running Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow.tests.test_exportimport.ExportImportLayer tests:
  Set up Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow.tests.test_exportimport.ExportImportLayer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.886 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow.tests.test_exportimport.ExportImportLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.201 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 24 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 10.683 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.669 seconds.
  Ran 120 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.745 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.671 seconds.
  Ran 12 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.016 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.866 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/Products.PortalTransforms-2.0.3-py2.6.egg/Products/PortalTransforms/libtransforms/commandtransform.py:103: DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
  cin, couterr = os.popen4(command, 'b')
  Ran 929 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2 minutes 6.731 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.202 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.014 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 36 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.014 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 1097 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 2 minutes 15.868 seconds.
Running Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.242 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.423 seconds.
  Set up Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.214 seconds.
  Ran 58 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.240 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.CMFSite in 0.018 seconds.
  Tear down Products.CMFTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.001 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 25 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.077 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.398 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 3.103 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.817 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 3.656 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.197 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.006 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.489 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.691 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.805 seconds.
  Ran 63 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.257 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.202 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.501 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.682 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.980 seconds.
  Ran 248 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 15.408 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.207 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 62 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.013 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 310 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 24.243 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.902 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.650 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.820 seconds.
  Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 2.542 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.195 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.007 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 77 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.618 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.contentmigration.tests.layer.TestLayer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.443 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.636 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.806 seconds.
  Set up Products.contentmigration.tests.layer.TestLayer in 0.002 seconds.
  Ran 13 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4.247 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.contentmigration.tests.layer.TestLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.194 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.045 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.091 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running archetypes.referencebrowserwidget.tests.base.layer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.099 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.018 seconds.
  Set up archetypes.referencebrowserwidget.tests.base.layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 33 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 8.226 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down archetypes.referencebrowserwidget.tests.base.layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.204 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.007 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 5 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.001 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 38 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 15.031 seconds.
Running archetypes.schemaextender.tests.base.layer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.935 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.658 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.825 seconds.
  Set up archetypes.schemaextender.tests.base.layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 4 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 3.374 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down archetypes.schemaextender.tests.base.layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.197 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.007 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 19 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.006 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 23 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 11.457 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 4 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.042 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.075 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.995 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.044 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.082 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.133 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 3 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 1.445 seconds.
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.053 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.300 seconds.
Running kss.core.tests.base.KSSLayer tests:
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up kss.core.tests.base.KSSCoreLayer in 0.030 seconds.
  Set up kss.core.tests.base.KSSLayer in 0.058 seconds.
  Ran 15 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.153 seconds.
Running kss.core.tests.test_ttwapi.layer tests:
  Set up kss.core.tests.test_ttwapi.layer in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.026 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down kss.core.tests.test_ttwapi.layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down kss.core.tests.base.KSSLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down kss.core.tests.base.KSSCoreLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.009 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 21 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.943 seconds.
WARNING: LinguaPlone not found. Skipping tests.
WARNING: LinguaPlone not found. Skipping tests.
Running plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobLayer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.935 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.754 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.939 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobLayer in 0.086 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/Products.PortalTransforms-2.0.3-py2.6.egg/Products/PortalTransforms/libtransforms/commandtransform.py:103: DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
  cin, couterr = os.popen4(command, 'b')
  Ran 24 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 7.141 seconds.
Running plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer tests:
  Set up plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer in 0.194 seconds.
  Ran 59 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 14.857 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobReplacementLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down plone.app.blob.tests.layer.BlobLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.210 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.009 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.001 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 85 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 30.901 seconds.
Running Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.941 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.008 seconds.
Running plone.app.folder.tests.layer.IntegrationLayer tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.677 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.693 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.folder.tests.layer.IntegrationLayer in 0.217 seconds.
  Ran 27 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 6.655 seconds.
Running plone.app.folder.tests.layer.PartialOrderingIntegrationLayer tests:
  Set up plone.app.folder.tests.layer.PartialOrderingIntegrationLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.310 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down plone.app.folder.tests.layer.PartialOrderingIntegrationLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down plone.app.folder.tests.layer.IntegrationLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.198 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 32 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 15.262 seconds.
Running plone.app.imaging.testing.ImagingLayer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.965 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.775 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.952 seconds.
  Set up collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.027 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.imaging.testing.ImagingLayer in 0.123 seconds.
  Ran 41 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 7.125 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.imaging.testing.ImagingLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.204 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.001 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 48 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 15.675 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.487 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.677 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.806 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.122 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.195 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running plone.app.linkintegrity.tests.layer.PloneLinkintegrity tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.482 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.675 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.832 seconds.
  Set up collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.028 seconds.
  Set up plone.app.linkintegrity.tests.layer.PloneLinkintegrity in 0.492 seconds.
  Ran 27 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 27.097 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down plone.app.linkintegrity.tests.layer.PloneLinkintegrity in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.198 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.005 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 28 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 36.408 seconds.
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.538 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.643 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.827 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.680 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.200 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.438 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.740 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.962 seconds.
  Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 7.038 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.202 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.006 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Running plone.folder.tests.layer.PloneFolderLayer tests:
  Set up plone.folder.tests.layer.PloneFolderLayer in 0.007 seconds.
  Ran 67 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 5.689 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down plone.folder.tests.layer.PloneFolderLayer in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.495 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.769 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.113 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.354 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.201 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
#### Running tests for group ATCT ####
#### Finished tests for group ATCT ####

#### Running tests for group Archetypes ####
#### Finished tests for group Archetypes ####

#### Running tests for group CMF ####
#### Finished tests for group CMF ####

#### Running tests for group CMFEditions ####
#### Finished tests for group CMFEditions ####

#### Running tests for group Plone ####
#### Finished tests for group Plone ####

#### Running tests for group PlonePAS ####
#### Finished tests for group PlonePAS ####

#### Running tests for group plone ####
#### Finished tests for group plone ####

#### Running tests for group portlets ####
#### Finished tests for group portlets ####

#### Running tests for group z3c.autoinclude ####
#### Finished tests for group z3c.autoinclude ####

#### Running tests for Missing ####
#### Finished tests for Missing ####

#### Running tests for MultiMapping ####
#### Finished tests for MultiMapping ####

#### Running tests for Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow ####
#### Finished tests for Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow ####

#### Running tests for Products.CMFPlone ####
#### Finished tests for Products.CMFPlone ####

#### Running tests for Products.CMFTestCase ####
#### Finished tests for Products.CMFTestCase ####

#### Running tests for Products.ExtendedPathIndex ####
#### Finished tests for Products.ExtendedPathIndex ####

#### Running tests for Products.PasswordResetTool ####
#### Finished tests for Products.PasswordResetTool ####

#### Running tests for Products.PloneTestCase ####
#### Finished tests for Products.PloneTestCase ####

#### Running tests for Products.ResourceRegistries ####
#### Finished tests for Products.ResourceRegistries ####

#### Running tests for Products.TinyMCE ####
#### Finished tests for Products.TinyMCE ####

#### Running tests for Products.ZopeVersionControl ####
#### Finished tests for Products.ZopeVersionControl ####

#### Running tests for Products.contentmigration ####
#### Finished tests for Products.contentmigration ####

#### Running tests for Products.i18ntestcase ####
#### Finished tests for Products.i18ntestcase ####

#### Running tests for Record ####
#### Finished tests for Record ####

#### Running tests for ThreadLock ####
#### Finished tests for ThreadLock ####

#### Running tests for ZopeUndo ####
#### Finished tests for ZopeUndo ####

#### Running tests for archetypes.referencebrowserwidget ####
#### Finished tests for archetypes.referencebrowserwidget ####

#### Running tests for archetypes.schemaextender ####
#### Finished tests for archetypes.schemaextender ####

#### Running tests for collective.monkeypatcher ####
#### Finished tests for collective.monkeypatcher ####

#### Running tests for five.customerize ####
#### Finished tests for five.customerize ####

#### Running tests for five.formlib ####
#### Finished tests for five.formlib ####

#### Running tests for initgroups ####
#### Finished tests for initgroups ####

#### Running tests for kss.core ####
#### Finished tests for kss.core ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.blob ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.blob ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.folder ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.folder ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.imaging ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.imaging ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.jquerytools ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.jquerytools ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.linkintegrity ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.linkintegrity ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.locales ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.locales ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.openid ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.openid ####

#### Running tests for plone.app.users ####
#### Finished tests for plone.app.users ####

#### Running tests for plone.folder ####
#### Finished tests for plone.folder ####

#### Running tests for plone.scale ####
#### Finished tests for plone.scale ####

#### Running tests for plone.stringinterp ####
#### Finished tests for plone.stringinterp ####

#### Running tests for plonetheme.classic ####
#### FinishRunning plonetheme.sunburst.tests.base.Layer tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 1.497 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.654 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 3.806 seconds.
  Set up collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.027 seconds.
  Set up plonetheme.sunburst.tests.base.Layer in 0.013 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.988 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down plonetheme.sunburst.tests.base.Layer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.196 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
/home/stefan/autotest/temp/python26-zope212-cmf22-plone40/eggs/wicked-1.1.9-py2.6.egg/wicked/utils.py:223: DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctest is deprecated in favour of the Python standard library doctest module
  from zope.testing import doctest
Running Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML tests:
  Set up Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.969 seconds.
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 2.830 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.035 seconds.
Running wicked.at.tests.wickedtestcase.WickedSite tests:
  Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 4.568 seconds.
  Set up wicked.at.tests.wickedtestcase.WickedSite in 0.002 seconds.
  Ran 23 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 5.366 seconds.
Running wicked.at.tests.test_scope.Scoped tests:
  Set up wicked.at.tests.test_scope.Scoped in 0.001 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.590 seconds.
Running wicked.plone.tests.SelectiveATCT tests:
  Tear down wicked.at.tests.test_scope.Scoped in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down wicked.at.tests.wickedtestcase.WickedSite in 0.002 seconds.
  Set up wicked.plone.tests.SelectiveATCT in 0.003 seconds.
  Ran 22 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 5.539 seconds.
Running wicked.plone.tests.ZCMLLayer tests:
  Tear down wicked.plone.tests.SelectiveATCT in 0.004 seconds.
  Set up wicked.plone.tests.ZCMLLayer in 0.019 seconds.
  Ran 2 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.657 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Tear down wicked.plone.tests.ZCMLLayer in 0.219 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.001 seconds.
  Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.004 seconds.
  Tear down Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
  Ran 34 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.016 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 87 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 22.082 seconds.
ed tests for plonetheme.classic ####

#### Running tests for plonetheme.sunburst ####
#### Finished tests for plonetheme.sunburst ####

#### Running tests for wicked ####
#### Finished tests for wicked ####

Packages with test failures:

Failing tests in group Archetypes

Total time elapsed: 1164.499 seconds

Grand total: 98 packages, 1 failures

FAILED (98 packages, 1 failures)

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