[Setup] Installing CMFEditions

Thomas Grzybowski thomasgrzybowski at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 16:27:04 UTC 2012


I am currently running Plone 4.2, under Ubuntu 12.4.  State of the art :)
Seriously, I am very impressed with the quality of the software.
Now I am wanting to install document version control, and I see that the 
best way to do that is to use CMFEditions.

I have downloaded the latest version of CMFEditions (2.2.4), but when I 
unzip it I find that there is no *.egg file.  I had assumed that I would 
use an egg file and buildout, but now do not know what to do.  Anyone 
have install experience with CMFEditions under Plone 4?

Thomas Grzybowski

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