[Setup] Plone 3 > Plone 4: Workflow State Trouble

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Wed May 4 19:32:07 UTC 2011

Op 04-05-11 16:49, Michael Zimmermann schreef:
> Hi there,
> once again, I am back at some migraton work from plone 3.2.x to the
> current (latest) plone 4 release. Having worked around a bunch of errors
> regarding aborted migraton runs, I am currently bothered with the following:
> After a sucessful migration run, all my content objects are listed in
> the review portlet as "please review" yet do have the old state (mostly
> published, some private). Yes, the objects with a state "published" are
> shown in the review portlet.
> 1) Does anyone know why this is so? And how can I change this? What
> works is changes the state from each object to something else and back
> to "published". (And no, I am not very knowledgeable with plone
> scripting anymore. Unfortunately.)

I don't know what could have caused this.  But it looks like for some 
reason the information in the portal_catalog is outdated.  Go to the 
Zope Management Interface, to portal_catalog, click on the Indexes tab 
and reindex the review_state index.

> 2) How do I assign a default workflow for my plone site? I can assign
> workflow policies for indivudal folders yet no global workflow or
> workflow poliy.... at least I can't find it.

That is done in the Zope Management Interface in the portal_workflow 
tool.  The list there shows the policy for each portal_type globally.

Maurits van Rees
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
Personal website: http://maurits.vanrees.org/

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