[Setup] Re: buildout: register ZCML slugs other than 'configure', 'meta' or 'overrides'

Martin Aspeli optilude+lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 16:23:53 UTC 2010

Dominik wrote:
> thanks for your reply
> Making a product feels kinda wrong since it is just a simple
> configuration issue
> and I hoped to put everything configuration related in one place the
> buildout.cfg.
> With a slug file I would have to remember to add it every time I
> (re-)run buildout
> So zcml += iw.fss-atct  would be the perfect solution.

You can use zcml-additional:

zcml-additional =
     <include package="lw.fss" file="atct.zcml" />

> Just out of interest can somebody tell me what's reason why the recipe
> only allows 'configure', 'meta' and 'overrides'

Because those have special meaning. Configure is the standard config. 
Meta has to be loaded first because it defines new ZCML directives. And 
overrides has to be loaded last because it overrides other things (and 
allows configuration action conflicts).

In this case, I'd argue that the problem is with iw.fss. A better 
approach would've been to make this an extra, so you depend on iw.fss 
[atct] and it configures itself accordingly.


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See http://martinaspeli.net/plone-book

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