[Setup] Re: Trouble installing PASSL-1.0.4 from buildout - help with cp.recipe.cmd or iw.recipe.cmd

Alberto Lopes alberto at alopes.com
Mon Mar 23 15:08:59 UTC 2009

Ooops - silly mistake... I got the command wrong.

Anyway, I switched to iw.recipe.cmd.

Here is my working part:

recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
on_install = true
on_update = true
cmds =
    echo "installando"
    cd ${buildout:directory}\parts\productdistros


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Alberto Lopes <alberto at alopes.com> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I am have a little bit of problem trying to install PASSSL-1.0.4 using
> buildout.
> PASSSL is released as an old-style product, but the "inner" directory is
> named PASSSL-1.0.4, and it can't be imported by Zope.
> I thought about using some recipe to just rename the dir, but I couldn't
> make it work. My server is Plone 3.2.1, running on Windows 2000.
> Here is the part I added to buildout.cfg:
> [renamepasssl]
> recipe = cp.recipe.cmd
> on_install = True
> on_update = True
> install_cmd =
>     D:
>     cd D:\Plone-3.2.1\parts\productdistros
>     IF EXISTS PASSSL-1.0.4 ren PASSSL-1.0.4 PASSSL
> update_cmd = ${renamepasssl:install_cmd}
> Plone is installed at D:\Plone-3.2.1
> Regards,
> Alberto
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