[Setup] Re: version error during /bin/buildout

Gary Koskenmaki garyk at skilltran.net
Thu Mar 13 15:29:03 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 08:44 +0000, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Gary Koskenmaki wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I was building a plone3 install today when the following error popped up
> > when running /bin/buildout:
> > 
> > While:
> >   Installing plone.
> > Error: There is a version conflict.
> > We already have: plone.portlets 1.1.0a1
> > but plone.app.portlets 1.1.0a1 requires 'plone.portlets>=1.1dev'.
> > 
> > How can I satisy this error?  This is the initial plone3 install on this
> > machine.   It's a Debian Etch server using only Debian Python packages
> > other than what /bin/buildout and "easy_install ZopeSkel" have
> > downloaded and installed up to this point.  
> Can you paste your buildout.cfg?
> What happens if you do:
> [plone]
> recipe = plone.recipe.plone>=3.0,<3.1dev
That line already exists in buildout.cfg.
> You may need to remove .installed.cfg (not leading dot) in the buildout 
> and run again.
> Martin
I did a search of the entire plone3 installation directory structure and
could find no hidden file named installed.cfg.  I then ran updatedb and
locate and could find no hidden file by that name anywhere on the

Also, it occured to me that I have probably left out a vital piece of
information.  This error occured during the install of python-openid
2.0.1.  It was during that part of the buildout when the buildout
stopped with the error.   

Here is my buildout.cfg file.  It's just the default buildout.cfg file
generated by following the instructions in your book.  I have made no
modifications to it as yet at all.  

parts =

# Add additional egg download sources here. dist.plone.org contains
# of Plone packages.
find-links =

# Add additional eggs here
# elementtree is required by Plone
eggs =

# Reference any eggs you are developing here, one per line
# e.g.: develop = src/my.package
develop =

recipe = plone.recipe.plone>=3.0,<3.1dev
# By overriding the download URLs and making them an empty list, we
# Make sure our own products directory takes precedence
urls =

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2install
url = ${plone:zope2-url}

# Use this section to download additional old-style products.
# List any number of URLs for product tarballs under URLs (separate
# with whitespace, or break over several lines, with subsequent lines
# indented). If any archives contain several products inside a top-level
# directory, list the archive file name (i.e. the last part of the URL,
# normally with a .tar.gz suffix or similar) under 'nested-packages'.
# If any archives extract to a product directory with a version suffix,
# the archive name under 'version-suffix-packages'.
recipe = plone.recipe.distros
urls =
nested-packages =
version-suffix-packages =

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
user = xxxxxx:xxxxxx
http-address = 8080
#debug-mode = on
#verbose-security = on

# If you want Zope to know about any additional eggs, list them here.
# This should include any development eggs you listed in develop-eggs
# e.g. eggs = ${buildout:eggs} ${plone:eggs} my.package
eggs =

# If you want to register ZCML slugs for any packages, list them here.
# e.g. zcml = my.package my.other.package
zcml =

products =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ${instance:eggs}
interpreter = zopepy
extra-paths = ${zope2:location}/lib/python
scripts = zopepy

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