[Setup] Re: installation of FSS on Plone 3.1 (universal installer, LINUX)

Nick Davis nd51 at leicester.ac.uk
Mon Jun 16 11:02:08 UTC 2008

jbeuken wrote:

> I'm tired to install FSS on Plone 3.1
> I have downloaded the product (iw.fss-2.7.1.tar.gz)
> in the installation note
> (http://ingeniweb.sourceforge.net/Products/FileSystemStorage/#id6), there is
> :
> "Put FileSystemStorage product in your zope instance Products directory" but
> which Products directory ?
> /opt/Plone-3.1/zinstance/products/
> /opt/Plone-3.1/zinstance/parts/instance/Products/
> I must put all the dezipped folder (iw.fss-2.7.1) on it ?

You want to put this in the first one, /opt/Plone-3.1/zinstance/products/

and unzip it.

The reason for this confusion is until Plone 3.0, there was a Products 
directory to put it in.

 From 3.1 onwards, the unified installer forces you to use buildout. 
buildout is very nice in many ways, but also changes the directory 
structure completely, in a quite confusing manner, including having more 
than 1 'products' directory.

To confuse things further, really what you should be doing now is 
instead of downloading FileSystemStorage manually, you should get 
buildout to automatically download FileSystemStorage as an egg. But 
personally, I wouldn't worry about that just yet. And I'm not sure if it 
even is available as an egg yet.

One more thing- it looks like the latest FileSystemStorage on plone.org 
is only tested against Plone 3.0, and not 3.1. So you might need to be 

All the best,

Nick Davis
Web Application Developer
University of Leicester

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