[Setup] Re: plonegetpaid-0.6.1 plone-3.14 No traversable adapter found

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Mon Aug 4 08:17:01 UTC 2008

tonyoconnell, on 2008-08-03:
> Hello, 
> I'm trying to install getpaid on a new plone-3.14 instance on ubuntu...
> There are a few things that I'm not sure if I have done correctly...
> 1. I installed simplejson and dateutil by just typing easy_install
> simplejson and easy_install dateutil . Did i I need to type a path or
> anything ... if so how do I specify a paty. I have several zope instances
> running on this machine.

>From the error log you pasted I would think that these two are not
installed correctly.  You can run the python interpreter that is used
for your zope and and try "import dateutil" and "import simplejson"
there.  If one of those fails with an ImportError, then you have used
the wrong easy_install.  

This page has some hints:

> 2. I coppied /PloneGetPaid into parts/instance/Products (another time into
> /products) and lib/ into parts/instance/lib Was this the right directories
> to copy into? 

Yes.  Do keep the original tarball around though: whenever you run a
bin/buildout again you may loose those directories as parts/instance
can be removed and added again without those directories you manually
copied; so you will have to copy those again in that case.

Actually the products/ dir in the main buildout directory is the best
place for the PloneGetPaid product, but you would still need to copy
the lib/ directry to parts/instance/lib.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
"This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]

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