[Setup] Plone sites into a local Zope folder with local managers

David Picó david.pico.vila at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 10:11:01 UTC 2008


I'm configuring a Zope server for a college course on Plone and I'd like to
have many folders at the ZMI so that different managers (students) have
rights on them. I want that every student can login as manager for his/her
own folder and work there. In particular, I want them to be able to create
and manage their own Plone sites LOCALLY withing their folder.

However, if I create a Zope folder I don't know how to set the acl_users so
that local managers are authenticated as managers at the Plone sites they

A colleage has told me that he's read sometime of a Plone product that
forces authentication to be done agains the local acl_users, instead of
going up to the root acl_users. Is it exists, we can't find it, though.

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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