[Setup] Plone via Apache 2 not working

j.raggam at skillz.biz j.raggam at skillz.biz
Tue Sep 18 10:28:44 UTC 2007

hello dan,

here is my config which works for debian/apache2.2:

<VirtualHost *>
   ServerAlias www.DOMAINNAME.TLD
# <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     RewriteEngine   On
     RewriteRule     ^/(.*) 
#  </IfModule>

it's maybe close to yours.
what is the part "/mydomain.com/VirtualHostRoot/" in your config? is it 
the directory where plone is installed?
and notice: i have commented out the module check <IfModule 
mod_rewrite.c>. when i first installed apache and everything, the 
IfModule statement didn't work. today i tried it again, and it works - 
so it seems it was an apache bug.
if you have the IfModule statement included, try to comment it out.
you may also check the apache logs
tail -f /var/log/apache2/....

good luck,hannes

> I am moving a plone 2.0.1 from an old server running FreeBSD 4.9 and 
> apache 1.3 to a new server running FreeBSD 6.2 with apache 2.2 with the 
> system updated with latest patches.

>       RewriteRule ^/(.*) 
> http://localhost:portnumber/VirtualHostBase/http/%{SERVER_NAME}:80/mydomain.com/VirtualHostRoot/$1 
> [L,P]

> Peace,
> Dan

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