[Setup] Re: LDAPMultiPlugins

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Wed Mar 21 10:06:31 UTC 2007

Moserr, on 2007-03-20:
> I have configured my Plone to authentificated against Against Active 
> Directory and Active Directory Application Mode. I used the following 
> products:
> LDAPUserFolder 2.7 and LDAPMultiPlugins 1.4.

And what is your Plone version?  2.5?

> All seems to be OK. In the ZMI, I can search, add, delete and update LDAP 
> users and LDAP groups.

Okay, the base is good then.

> But when I go in the Plone interface, where we can admisnistrate users and 
> groups, I always have to search my LDAP users and my LDAP groups. Why I 
> can't have directly the list of all my LDAP users and my LDAP groups?

I am not sure what you mean here.  Do you mean that when you click on
Show All Users nothing is shown?  Or probably: that this button is not
even displayed?  The display of that button is governed by this

ZMI > portal_properties > site_properties > many_users

If you have many users (say, a few hundred) then it just costs too
much time to display them all.

> Another Problem... Still in the Plone interface, I can't put a LDAP user in 
> a LDAP group. I always have a "keyerror" message. Do you know why

Which KeyError is that?

Probably you need to change some settings in

ZMI > acl_users > plugins

The de facto standard documentation on Plone 2.5 plus LDAP is this
document by Wichert Akkerman:


Also, you might like this product that helps you configure Plone with
LDAP, which also has some documentation:


Especially, you may be helped by some hints about which plugins to use:


Note: I wrote that product. :)

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [NL]
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
"Do not worry about your difficulties in computers,
 I can assure you mine are still greater."

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