[Setup] Re: Migration from Plone 2.1.2. to Plone 2.5.3

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Fri Jun 1 10:55:07 UTC 2007

Zanotti Michele, on 2007-06-01:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: setup-bounces at lists.plone.org 
>> [mailto:setup-bounces at lists.plone.org] On Behalf Of Maurits van Rees
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 5:00 PM
> .........
>> Yes, something goes wrong in the PlonePAS install while 
>> updating local role assignments.  But why?  You could search 
>> for the string 'atoi' in the member and groups search form 
>> and in the search form of the site. Maybe a strange username 
>> or some content is in the way.  That would surprise me though.
> .........
> Thank you again Maurits,
> (and all helped me). With your suggestions I have first searched the
> "atoi" string in user/gruops and with the search folder without result,
> then I have added (don't blame me, i am a very rough programmer) a
> "print o.id" at line 180 of PluggableAuthService\extension\upgrade.py
> and in debug mode I have found the problematic folder (or files in the
> folder, I didn't investigate deeper): it isn't important so I dropped
> it. The strange thing (for me) is that this folder is not in the Plone
> site, it is a Zope Folder, and it didn't seem anyway corrupted. I can't
> say if this folder was imported with a zexp, as M. Killerich suggested.
> Michele 

I saw yesterday at a client where I was doing a migration from 2.1 to
2.5 that there is a step in the upgrade that replaces the acl_users
folder from Zope (so outside your Plone site) with a new one.  Before
or during that replacement the migration seems to go through *all*
objects in Zope (including but certainly not limited to your Plone
site) and checks or updates some settings for any content created by
or owned by a user in the top acl_users folder.  That failed for me as
well.  I solved it by removing some unneeded content outside of the
Plone site that was being migrated.

I think in your and my case the problem was that there was some
content made by a Product that was not available anymore.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [NL]
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
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