[Setup] Re: How do I make the FCKeditor the default editor for every user?

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Wed Sep 20 20:08:47 UTC 2006

Maurits van Rees wrote:
> Alexander Limi, on 2006-09-20:
>> This only sets the default value, it doesn't iterate through existing  
>> members, does it?
> No it doesn't.  But the question was how to set the default value so
> new users will have this as the default, so that's okay. :)
> I don't have any code lying around for iterating through all users for
> this.

I've got some. It's from before you joined Zest, Maurits :-)

Below code is from an external method, it was placed as
'switchToKupu.py' inside a product's 'Extensions/' directory. Ah, and of
course you should change kupu to fck: this was for moving users from
Epoz to Kupu :-)

def switchToKupu(self):
    out = []
    # Collect members
    pm = self.portal_membership
    for memberId in pm.listMemberIds():
        member = pm.getMemberById(memberId)
        editor = member.getProperty('wysiwyg_editor', None)
        if editor == 'Kupu':
            out.append('%s: Kupu already selected, leaving alone' %
            member.setMemberProperties({'wysiwyg_editor': 'Kupu'})
            out.append('%s: Kupu has been set' % memberId)
    return "\n".join(out)


Reinout van Rees                       r.van.rees @ zestsoftware.nl
http://vanrees.org/weblog/                  http://zestsoftware.nl/
"Military engineers build missiles. Civil engineers build targets."

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