[Setup] Re: Folder listings - how do I avoid

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Wed May 31 12:20:04 UTC 2006

Jan Torleif Pedersen wrote:
> Greetings,

Hi Jan,

[such questions are better asked on the plone-users list
as this list is only about installation/getting Plone running,
not customizing it]
> I want to thank Alan and Raphael for their kind pointers to making 
> External Methods - I got my folder generation problem solved. Now my 
> next question is how do I avoid showing a set of folders in the folder 
> tree. I have one folder which acts as a sort of database of folders and 
> I would like to avoid having to expand the folder view both in the 
> navigation portlet and when accessing the parent folder. People should 
> be able to search for the sub-folders, but not get the complete view 
> since this takes much to long time - there about 40.000 subfolders…

First, I hope your parent is a 'Large' folder (BTree based).

Second, 'folder_listing', 'folder_contents' etc are so-called
skin methods which can easily be overriden on instance base
by generating a page template or python script of exactly that
name in that very folder in ZMI to do whatever you want
(e.g., display a custom search form).

Due to the way Zope does its look-up these will be found first
  - but note that this also affects the folder's children


> Regards -- Jan

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