install zope and plone on debian-sarge was:[Setup] install zope on debian-sarge

Bernd Grah brain at
Tue May 16 14:49:04 UTC 2006

Peter Simmons schrieb:
> use ./configure --with-python /usr/bin/python2.4
> Let me know if that works and I will update the how to.
i told you in my last mail --- it needed  python2.4-dev

Now i am a few steps later and there are some more Problems:
you write :
    # now setup an instance
    mkdir -p /var/lib/zope2.9/instance

Must i use zope as username ??

Then you write :

   # edit the port for the instance
   vim /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/<instancename>/etc/zope.conf
   # look for <web-server entry and change the port if necessary
   # set "effective-user zope" also
in zope conf there is :
#Directive: effective-user
must i remove #Directive: or only the #

______Then i try to install Plone
        cd /usr/src/source-files
        mkdir plone-svn

I have /usr/src but there is no directory named source-files
I created it

then i tried :
        svn co 2.5
but i first must make : apt-get install subversion
now it runs, but there was no directory /2.5/ 2.5
so i used only /2.5

After a few minutes i have all the files in 

Now i have Problems
You tell:
   cd /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/smart-trade/Products/
   cp -r /usr/src/source-files/plone-svn/2.5

and i dont really know what you mean, there is a CMFPlone but no 
CMFPlone-2.5-svn20060430-1207  under /usr/src/source-files/plone-svn/2.5

and also the next step doesnt work
Must i copy everything under /usr/src/source-files/plone-svn/2.5
to /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/"myinstance"/Products/
and is it a Problem when i do it manually?

The next command :
    # create links for all the producst in the bundle
    ln -s CMFPlone-2.5-svn20060430-1207/* ./
makes a link to where ????  what means   ./

I know that these Questions are a bit like beginnerquestions, but i 
tried some ways in the last 3 hours and i think that its the better way 
to ask someone who has installed it on debian......

Happy to hear about
Bernd Grah

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