[Setup] Re: disable discussion for whole site

Ben Kingston ben.kingston at pgs.com
Mon Mar 27 08:43:20 UTC 2006

In my example, I want to hide the discussion system from ALL users.
I don't want the default/enable/disable options to be offered in edit forms, 
and don't want the "Add comment" option in views.

It sounds like the current permissions control 2 things:
1. "Allow discussion?" stores the discussion setting chosen by the creator 
of the item, and this controls *whether* the item will offer the "Add 
comment" option to users.
2. "Reply to" permission controls *which* users will be offered the "Add 
comment" option.

I think it would be good to have a permission to control discussion at a 
higher level - when False, the edit forms should not even offer the "Allow 
discussion" options, and the views should not offer the "Add comment" 
option. A good name for this permission would have been "Allow discussion?", 
but of course that is already in use.

Overall it could have looked like this:
"Allow discussion": controls whether edit forms offer discussion settings 
(default/enable/disable) to users with "Configure discussion" permissions.
"Configure discussion": only applicable when ("Allow discussion"==True). 
Controls whether edit forms offer discussion options 
"Reply to": only applicable when ("Configure discussion"==True and "Allow 
discussion"==True). Behaviour as current.

I may have massively over simplified the ideas above, and misinterpreted the 
way permissions work, but I do still think there needs to be a better way to 
remove the discussion settings from edit forms - at the moment there does 
not appear to be a way to do that.

"Raphael Ritz" <r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de> 
wrote in message news:dvr3l3$h6f$1 at sea.gmane.org...
> Alexander Limi wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:44:41 -0800, Raphael Ritz 
>> <r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
>>> No, that's not the point here. Removing the 'Relpy' button
>>> can be achived by changing the 'Reply to item' permission.
>>> What's left is the 'allow discussion' field on the edit form
>>> which then becomes pretty useless.
>> Yup. Can either of you log it as a bug at http://dev.plone.org/plone - 
>> and  we'll see if we can fix Plone to check for the setting when deciding 
>> to  show the field?
> It's not exactly trivial as replying to an item is
> one thing and to change whether discussion of this
> item should be allowed or not is another.
> If we could live with controlling the fields visibility
> by checking for the reply permission on the current user,
> however, this would be straight-forward (and solve the
> original problem that triggered this thread).
> Opinions anyone?
> Raphael

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