[Setup] "ImportError : No module named ImpPython"

KE Liew ke.liew at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 22:00:22 UTC 2006

Humble apologies, I forgot to reply to all :)

> In fact, I have installed the package proposed online:
> "Plone for Windows (20 MB, Installer (includes Zope 2.9.3 with hotfix) for
> Windows 2000/XP/2003".
> 1. Configuration on my PC (intended as a test for me to learn Plone)
> **
> I now have the repertories:
> \Plone 2
> \\ Data
> \\ Python (2.4.3)
> \\ XController
> \\ Zope (3.1.4) (I see it is the last version proposed on Python.org)

Zope 3.1.4 isn't compatible with Plone 2.5. But wouldn't that download
of yours have zope installed? If I remember correctly, the Windows
installer has everything you need, you don't need to download another
version of Zope. Try that, and see how it goes. Remove everything,
then install the Windows installer.

> 2. Configuration on our server
> **
> In fact, I want to install Plone on our extranet server, actually running
> with Windows Server 2003, with DNS, mail server, and IIS for our websites on
> the Port 80.
> - will Plone run on Port 80 as well ?
> - if not, what Port should I open on the Firewall for Plone ?
> - our websites are created in the IIS and developed with FrontPage
> extensions : can I chose Plone for the new webs in the IIS ?

I'm not familiar with IIS and its setup. But yes, I have heard that it
is possible to run Plone on port 80 using IIS. There may be
documentation regarding that. In Apache, we need to use the
RewriteRule to 'redirect' it to the Zope server.

I don't quite understand your last questions. Also I doubt that I can
answer that question. But if it is somewhere along the lines of using
FrontPage as your editor for Plone, that's not possible. Editing Plone
is through the Zope Management Interface. Though you can have an
ExternalEditor (a product) to enable an editor, e.g. notepad, to edit
the files, though not entirely familiar. :)

If you have some extra time, I would suggest to read as much as you
can about Zope (http://zopewiki.org/ZopeStarter) or just dig into
Plone's Documentation section (http://plone.org/documentation) :) It'
should save a lot of hassle in the future :)



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