[Setup] Re: migration 2.0.5->2.1.1 troubles

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Wed Nov 16 14:22:22 UTC 2005

Nick Davis wrote:
>> 1. In ZMI, go to the to-be-migrated site's quickinstaller
>>    and install ATContentTypes
>> 2. Still in ZMI go to 'portal_atct' (created in step 1)
>> 3. Do a version migration there (2nd Tab) - takes some time
>> 4. Do a type migration (4th tab - I think) - can take a _long_ time
>> 5. Only now go to 'portal_migration' and pray ;-)
>> Raphael
> Raphael,
>   Thanks a lot for your reply. I had previously tried your suggestion 
> when you posted it on the plone users list. However, when I try to 
> install ATContentTypes like you say, I get AttributeError: 
> translation_service.  It appears that this tool needs to be added first 
> before installing ATContentTypes, and when you do a successful 
> migration(on an empty/fresh site) you can see that the migration code 
> does add translation_service before it adds ATcontentTypes.
> Did you do something else first before installing ATContentTypes?

No, I didn't. And I just checked: the site I'm currently struggling with
is Plone 2.0.4/AT 1.3.0-final based; no translation_service present.
(but it is plain English; no language tool or anything)

Sorry but I have no further clue,


> Regards
> Nick

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