[Setup] help with Apache2 and Plone2

Serena Pastore pastore at pd.astro.it
Fri Nov 11 14:48:29 UTC 2005

Hi all, I'm new with this list and with Plone. I've installed Plone 2.1 inside Zope 2.8.1 on a linux machine and I would like to configure Apache for placing in front of Plone, but even reading tutorials and the Plone book I can't solve this problem. In the following I report my apache.conf file. I would like that making a call to
http://site_name I could see my Plone website that is called PloneSite and it is running on http://sitename:9000/Plonesite

It's not clear in the documentation if it's necessary to set the virtual hosting mapping in plone and how: I understand that I had to put 
sitename/PloneSite, but with this configuration/setting I receive the Apache error "bad gateway: the proxy server received an invalid response form an upstream server" ...

Can anyone help me?


<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAlias   sitename
 ServerAdmin   address
 ServerSignature On
 DocumentRoot /usr/local/zope

        <Proxy *>
        Order Deny,Allow 
        Allow from all

 CustomLog     /var/log/httpd/default-access.log combined
 ErrorLog      /var/log/httpd/default-error.log
 LogLevel warn

 <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
        ProxyRequests On 
        ProxyVia On 
 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteOptions inherit
     RewriteRule ^/(.*) \
     http://localhost:9000/VirtualHostBase/http/sitename.it:80/Plonesite/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]


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