[Setup] Zope/Plone/VHM/Apache confusion & multi-site login.

Rene Pijlman rene at lab.applinet.nl
Tue Dec 6 23:20:19 UTC 2005

>I have changed the plone.conf so that the Zope interface is on port 
>8284 and the "plone  interface" is at 8204. 

You'd better tell us what you actually put in there.

>Each of those sites has a domain name waiting to be attached  
>to them.

Install the VHM in your Zope root, if you haven't already done
so. If you don't know what that is, search in

Per site:

    Create an Apache VirtualHost for every site. 

    Put on one line:

    RewriteRule ^/(.*)
tRoot/$1 [P]

Rene Pijlman

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