[Product-Developers] Add-on Issue Trackers on Plone.Org: Must Migrate

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Fri Sep 27 22:39:20 UTC 2013

Hi Steve,

Op 27-09-13 17:09, Steve McMahon schreef:
> Plone Add-on/Product Developers,
> The plone.org <http://plone.org> team is working on a new design for
> plone.org <http://plone.org>. That design will likely be implemented as
> a clean new site with selective migration of content from the old
> plone.org <http://plone.org>.
> Issue trackers for add-on products will NOT be migrated to the new
> plone.org <http://plone.org>. POI, the issue tracker built into the
> Plone Software Center is old, old, old and indifferently maintained. It
> was created when there were not easily used, free issue trackers, and is
> just no longer so badly needed that we can justify moving it forward.

Old?  Sure.  Indifferentely maintained?  Being the maintainer, I would 
not call it that. :-)  Poi has seen six releases this year.

I intend to maintain it for a while longer, also if plone.org does not 
use it anymore.

But I certainly agree: nowadays a site like github.com is better suited 
for hosting the source code and issue trackers of Plone add-ons.  It 
makes sense for plone.org to move in a different direction.

If anyone wants to make an exporter from Poi to github, I'd be happy to 


Maurits van Rees: http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl

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