[Product-Developers] Allowing to change workflow state, but not content editing

Servilio Afre Puentes afrepues at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca
Wed Jun 26 16:45:46 UTC 2013

nguyen at uwosh.edu writes:

> Hi Servilio - have you looked at how the simple publication workflow
> handles showing the "publish" transition in the State drop down menu
> only for reviewers?

Yes, the only difference I see is that in the
simple_publication_workflow the reviewer is granted the permissions
«Change portal events» and «Modify portal content» in the «pending»
state, what I need to avoid as the content should not be modified, only

> Often when we start off creating a workflow we clone the simple
> publication workflow then strip out what we don't need… that way
> things we take for granted are already in the new workflow.

I can't remember how I started these :D but they are not complicated
workflow, just stepped approval of requests going through different
roles (e.g.: supervisor to HR).

> Very cool to see you using D2C and North*!

They are very useful!



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