[Product-Developers] Taxonomy support in a modern Plone

Dylan Jay djay at pretaweb.com
Thu Aug 30 01:22:05 UTC 2012

On 30/08/2012, at 1:09 AM, Malthe Borch wrote:

> Hello,
> We're about to develop a new package that brings support for
> taxonomies to Plone with Dexterity-based content:
> Here's a brief overview:
> 1. The taxonomy will be tree-structured.
> 2. There are two kinds of nodes: root nodes (which map to
> vocabularies) and terms (which can contain other terms or even root
> nodes).
> 3. Both types of nodes are Dexterity-objects.
> 4. Terms can be restricted to a set of FTIs. For example, a term (and
> its children) might apply only to documents².
> 5. There's a javascript snippet that transforms the default selection
> widget into an option tree – based on the title format³.
> Obviously, Plone's "sharing" tab will work just fine and because we're
> already using the catalog to determine which terms to show for a given
> context, this will also double as a permissions filter.
> The reason I'm writing this post is both so as to serve as a roadmap,
> but also to get feedback or learn about any existing products.

I wrote about existing options recently http://djay.posterous.com/facets-taxonomies-in-plone 
. In particular I'd like to add taxonomy support to collective.facets  
(ie the ability to classify any content item using hierarchical tags  
not just flat tags). For example using http://pypi.python.org/pypi/redomino.advancedkeyword 
  with collective.facets.

There are also been several "boil the earth" attempts to get together  
and come up with something

I think part of the issue with taxonomies is the same word gets used  
to mean different things in the CMS world. Drupal in particular has  
"abused" it to mean not just classifying something with a hierarchical  
tags, but creating a navigation structure based on those hierarchical  
tags. It's not clear to me if you are suggesting ways to tag content  
or ways to use tags in content to build navigation or something else?  
It's not clear to me your use case, so I think it might help to write  
this out more fully.

I really want to help get this sorted however so that we have one  
solution that is very flexible instead of all these partial  
implementations. However I think starting from small steps that  
integrate well with how we currently do things in plone is the best  
way to get there. Hence why collective.facets is very minimal and only  
deals with adding classification to existing content.

I think sprinting on this at conference would be a great idea.

> Notes:
> 1) Dexterity's default container type is based on b-trees; this might
> result in a substantial oid-overhead.
> 2) Practically, there will be a keyword index that allows the taxonomy
> widget to quickly look up terms that are valid for its context.
> 3) Typically, the vocabulary term titles will be formatted as "<term>
> » <term> » <term>"; it's easy to provide a heuristic that matches on
> values from a taxonomy.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Au revoir, et tous mes voeux pour un avenir plein de succès et de  
> bonheur ––
> Malthe Borch
> mborch at gmail.com
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