[Product-Developers] redirect ordinary member after creating content

Kees Hink hink at gw20e.com
Wed May 11 12:09:17 UTC 2011

Regular users can add content, but they shouldn't see the Plone interface if
possible. Therefore, when they create an item, i'd like them to see a page that
only displays a simple message (like "thanks for your story. we'll have a look
at it").

Currently, i'm trying to do this using an event handler, redirecting to a
specific view on the created object:

<!-- configure.zcml: -->
      handler="hvvg.content.events.redirect" />

## events.py
def redirect(context, event):
    """After creation, redirect to "thank-you" kind of page if member has no
    additional roles."""
    mtool = getToolByName(context, "portal_membership")
    roles = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getRoles()
    roles_not_to_have = ['Manager','Editor', 'Contributor', 'Reader',
    if set(roles).isdisjoint(roles_not_to_have):
        context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(event.object.absolute_url() +

This does not seem to work: the response redirect is executed, but the user
sees the object instead of the view. Any idea why, and/or how to do it better?

This is on Plone 4.1.


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