[Product-Developers] no version diffs for folderish content types?

Harald Friessnegger harald at webmeisterei.com
Tue Feb 22 09:11:34 UTC 2011

hi there

i can't get the view listing the changes between verions working for 
folderish content types.

created two content types with paster (zopeskel-2.19): a folderish and a 
non-folderish one
for both types i've set the version policy to "automatic" in @@types-

additionally i've added them to the diff tool as suggested in 

for both types i get the "change notes" field in the edit form and the 
history link in the byline.

now i create an item of both types; edit it's title and description; and 
check the history for differences.

for the non-folderish type comparing versions works perfectly fine.
whereas for the folderish one it does not:

when i compare the first with the second version 
(plone/folderish/@@history?one=1&two=0) i simply get:

  There are no changes between the selected revisions. 

when i try it via /versions_history_form i get exactly the same as described 
in a quite old bugreport
http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/7253 (which fixed this by adding the type 
to the diff tool):
headers for changed, removed and added files and a "None" below each of them

comparing versions does work fine for the stock folder type.
and ours does simply subclass that one:

  Products.ATContentTypes.content import folder

  class MyFolderishType(folder.ATFolder):

any ideas what's missing?

thanks for your help!

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