[Product-Developers] Re: Smartypants

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 19 15:29:13 UTC 2010

Shane Graber wrote:

> If I remove the byte-order-marker from typogrify_text.py, I get rid of 
> the double header and the errors go away and my page renders properly. 
>  I had no idea that the BOM being set on a Script (Python) would do that 
> and that's the *only* thing I changed.  Is that a known issue???

New to me at least and I'd call that a bug in Zope.
I did have an issue with an unexpected BOM recently
but that was in a different context (on text based imports).

Could it be that some applications recently started to include
a BOM that didn't do so before?


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