[Product-Developers] Re: product uploaded to PyPi but not found by easy_install

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 16 16:08:09 UTC 2009

Kees Hink wrote:
> I'm creating an egg for the PloneInvite product.
> (https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/Products.PloneInvite/)
> I uploaded this to pypi as version 1.1 alpha.
> When i add the line
> 	Products.PloneInvite
> to the 'eggs = ' list in a buildout and re-run buildout, i get
> "While:
>   Installing instance.
>   Getting distribution for 'Products.PloneInvite'.
> Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'Products.PloneInvite'."
> What i did:
> To upload it to pypi, i checked out the trunk and ran 'python setup.py register'

If that's all you did then that's not enough.
'register' creates an entry for your product on PyPI but it doesn't
upload any code just yet. For that you have to - you guessed it -
call 'upload' as well. But before that works, you need to tell
setup tools to build something to be uploaded. Usually, all you
need there is a source distribution (unless you have non-Python
extensions). So

'python setup.py register sdist upload'

would register your package/project, build a source distribution and
upload it.

But you figured that out by now I see.

(the mregister and mupload that you've been using do the same
thing but include more index sites than just PyPI)


>  per instructions in http://docs.python.org/distutils/packageindex.html
> The product can be found in PyPi at
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.PloneInvite.
> I tested in a virtualenv:
> $ virtualenv venv_Products.PloneInvite
> $ cd venv_Products.PloneInvite
> $ . bin/activate
> $ easy_install -v Products.PloneInvite
> Searching for Products.PloneInvite
> Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/Products.PloneInvite/
> Reading http://plone.org/products/plone-invite
> Found link: http://partecs.com/downloads/PloneInvite-1.0.2.tar.gz
> No local packages or download links found for Products.PloneInvite
> error: Could not find suitable distribution for
> Requirement.parse('Products.PloneInvite')
> It seems it's redirecting to the product page on plone.org, where the only
> stable release is redirecting to partecs.com. I would have expected easy_install
> to use the version i uploaded to pypi, but clearly that isn't working.
> When i change my buildout to use a filesystem version (checked out from svn,
> added as a development egg, adding /path/to/svn/checkout to the buildout's
> 'develop =' list), the buildout does work, but i do not get to see version and
> README.txt from the plone control panel (prefs_install_products_form). Maybe
> that's a clue.
> What am i doing wrong?

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