[Product-Developers] Re: correct usage of plone.org?

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Fri Jul 3 13:30:44 UTC 2009

Toni Mueller, on 2009-06-29:
> Hi,
> we've recently published a product on plone.org, but have some
> difficulties with it:
> 1. I failed to package the product as an egg. Fiddling with SOURCES.txt
>    and MANIFEST.txt and MANIFEST.in didn't help. I ended up publishing
>    the product as a tarball, using a hand-crafted SOURCES.txt. But the
>    product seems to be a little unwieldy to install.

Fiddling with MANIFEST.in might help; the other files you mention are
generated automatically by the setup.py.  Is the product in
subversion?  If you try to create an egg from an svn *export* this
will likely miss several files.  You should create it from a svn

Which product is it?  What is the location of the source code?

I personally use (and have partly built) zest.releaser to do releases.
Without any extra packages to help you the following should normally
work, assuming you are using subversion:

svn co <url to the source code, preferrably a tag>
cd into that directory
python2.4 setup.py register # to register at pypi, or to update the info
python2.4 setup.py sdist upload # upload a source dist to pypi

> 2. Someone sent a bug report (which we can't reproduce, but anyway).
>    I'd like to activate bug tracking for the product on plone.org, but
>    don't see how I can do that. The procuct itself is hosted on PYPI.

The homepage of your product on plone.org should have a link somewhere
(perhaps just the 'add item' drop down menu) to add a Poi Issue
Tracker.  It might also be buried somewhere in the edit form of the
project.  If you do not see it: try it via http://old.plone.org.  That
is the same zope instance as plone.org, just with the old skin; same
username/password to login.  Maybe the link you are looking for is
visible there.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
"This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]

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