[Product-Developers] Collage + LinguaPlone

Jens W. Klein jens at bluedynamics.com
Thu Jul 2 11:36:11 UTC 2009

I looked at the implemenation of collage in combination with LinguaPlone. 
In my opinion its not as it should be.

What we have:

a) The Collage object itself can be translated

b) rows, columns and aliases are not possible to translate

c) content in a column can be translated.

So what happens if i use Collage:

1) create a folder 'myfolder'

2) translate it to german

3) create a collage myfolder/mycollage

4) translate it to german.

Now we have: 

|-- meinfolder
|   `-- meinecollage
`-- myfolder
    `-- mycollage

ok so far

5) create a row and in there a column 

6) in column create a document

7) translate it to german 

now we have:

|-- meinfolder
|   `-- meinecollage
`-- myfolder
    `-- mycollage
        `-- row
            `-- col
                |-- meindoc
                `-- mydoc

Which is wrong! We should have:

|-- meinfolder
|   ` -- meinecollage
|        `--row-de
|           `--col-de
|              `--meindoc
`-- myfolder
    `-- mycollage
        `-- row
            `-- col
                `-- mydoc

This would imply that we need column and row inherit from LinguaPlone 
base classes. 

LinguaPlone wont copy the rows/columns layouts to the translation, so we 
need subscribers to IObjectTranslatedEvent for initial copying and an 
IObjectModified event for copy on subsequent mofifications performing 
this task.

Keeping layouts over translations synced is probably a good idea for 
every type inside of collage.

Any opinions, ideas, stoppers?

Jens W. Klein - Klein & Partner KEG - BlueDynamics Alliance

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