[Product-Developers] Adding eggs to buildout

Tim Knapp duffyd at kokorice.org
Thu Feb 5 07:50:35 UTC 2009


On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 22:37 -0800, hannesc wrote:
> Hi Guys. I have recently started developing my own products, and until now, I
> merely used develop in the buildout to add said products. Now however, I
> need to distribute them. I created the egg file and would now like to test
> it. Unfortunately I don't know how to add these files. I have tried a couple
> of ways, but alas, no luck.
> Here is what I have done so far.
> I add the egg file 'getpaid.vcs-0.2dev.dev_r2098-py2.4.egg' to  the eggs
> folder. I then edited my buildout to look as follows:
> http://paste.plone.org/26188
> When I run the buildout however, I get the following error:
> http://paste.plone.org/26189
> Does anyone know what the issue could be, and how I can solve it?

The easiest way for you to distribute your eggs is to add the following
to your buildout:

find-links = 
    <you'll have some existing ones>

eggs =
    <you'll have some existing ones>


> Thanks ^_^

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