[Product-Developers]Need help when use a product developed under buildout-server in the production server?

柯铁军 mujinjun at ysu.edu.cn
Mon Sep 22 03:10:00 UTC 2008

Firstly, I install a plone server with buildout, and then developed a theme product with DIYPloneStyle 3.0.My theme product worked well under the server. 
But when I copied it to the production server's Products directory, it didn't show in the add-on products directory, nor in the Contro Panel's Production directory.
This is the first time for me to develop under Plone So I wanna know if there is something to notice when move a product from a develop server to production server.
ps: I installed production server through the zope and plone's source packages as i used to install the plone2 server.

Thanks for any reply.

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