[Product-Developers] Ploneboard translations update

Emmanuel Coirier emmanuel.coirier at ingeniweb.com
Thu Oct 2 14:16:34 UTC 2008

Hello everyone !

Due to some work for the website we are currently building, I had to
add some of the missing translations that we have found on Ploneboard
(which is a great product).

So in commit 72862 on the collective SVN, I rewrote the rebuildall.sh
script building the pot files, and I updated the french translations.

You can update your translation file by running this script. It needs
a file "plone-plone.pot" which is (as explained in the script) the
plone.pot found in the PloneTranslation product. Usually, I'll make a
symlink to it.

My problem is that now, I need a release of this product.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Coirier
Ingeniweb - Groupe Alter Way
01 78 15 24 00

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