[Product-Developers] Python Import Classes Problem

Mayank Mathur mayankmathur at tetrain.com
Wed Oct 1 06:43:57 UTC 2008

another way is to redirect my output directly to PT and display it, but 
how can i redirect my Python variables and call PT from my Python script 
? Pl'z help !

Mayank Mathur

Hedley Roos wrote:
>> hello all.
>> Im creating a Search form as a Plone Product in Python.
>> Im facing problems while passing parameters between classes , in different
>> Python scripts.
>> I've already used "Import" statm. in form 2 to import class 1 of form1, but
>> it's giving error:
>>   "you are not authorized to access this class"
>> is there any other way or am i missing some trick in importing.??
> Hi
> You have to be way more specific. There is not enough info in your
> post to help you.
> A few thoughts. You do not need a full fledged product to do search.
> Here are a few other approaches.
> 1. Hook into Plone's existing search functionality
> 2. Use Form Controller scripts and templates to implement the search.
> 3. Use browser views (my favourite)
> BTW your import error is due to you attempting to import a module
> which is not allowed for restricted Python (Python scripts run in a
> restricted mode). Searching for allow_module on this list will show
> you how to resolve that. And even after you add the allow_module
> you'll probably run into other restrictions.
> Hedley
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