[Product-Developers] [Plone25] ArchetypeTool catalog per meta_type features

JeanMichel FRANCOIS jeanmichel.francois at makina-corpus.com
Fri Feb 15 11:10:56 UTC 2008


 I have played a bit with archetype tool. I would like here to discuss about 
some stuffs.

  The first is thx to Archetypes, the idea of getCatalogs from 
CatalogMultiplex is really good.I really like this feature of archetype.

  But the CatalogMultiplex suppose you have a CatalogTool instance (it use 
method only define in it. ) So you have first to make a subclass of it.... I 
don't understand this design choice. Using a simple ZCatalog instance would 
have been better to be able to do all this stuff TTW. I think there is some 
behaviour of the ZCatalog you don't want, and CatalogTool have, but those 
have to be implemented in a subclass of ZCatalog not in a tool.

  An other point is the fact that the generic setup of this tool simply 
doesn't work. I have tryied to add the step and a archetypetool.xml to my 
profile but no results. No documentation found on this, i have read the 
importer code to make it but without results. This last point is not much 


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