Putting buildouts in svn

Derek Richardson derek.richardson at gatech.edu
Mon Sep 10 19:42:46 UTC 2007

The Vice project is a top-level folder in the collective. Inside, there 
is the usual trunk/, branches/, and tags/. Inside trunk/ are several 
different packages targeted at Zope and Plone. I would like to add two 
buildouts, one for Zope 2 + Plone and another for Zope 3. Is there a 
standard or recommended way to add multiple buildouts to a project 
repository? I was thinking:

   +- trunk
        +- buildouts
             +- plone3.0
             +- zope3.4
        +- collective.baseid
        +- collective.uuid
        +- plone.syndication.outbound
        +- plone.app.syndication.outbound
   +- branches
   +- tags

I looked through a few projects in the collective to find a model, but 
didn't see one.

P.S. Martin, this would be great info to have in your buildout tutorial.



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