Do not remove downloads from

Steve McMahon steve at
Thu Oct 25 16:03:42 UTC 2007

 > Unfortunately as far as I know PSC has no
 > active maintainer or developers who are willing to tackle this.

Alex Clark has signed on as release manager for PSC 1.0 and 1.5. I 
believe the primary goal for 1.0 is to achieve release status for the 
existing feature set. Primary goal for 1.5 is Plone 3.0 compatibility.

I'll bet that Alex will be happy to wrap a solution for this into 1.5 if 
  he got some code contributions.


Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Raphael Ritz wrote:
>> Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>> [..]
>>> Point taken.. that was me doing the same bad thing. Unfortunately PSC
>>> almost forces you to either do that or create separate full releases for
>>> each pre-release. 
>> I also consider that very unfortunate - if not broken. :-(
>> If there is agreement on changing this (to what then?) I would be
>> willing to lobby more for it - or maybe do it myself - as I'm about
>> to deploy a customized PSC on one of my sides rather soon anyway.
> There was a discussion about a while ago where various alternative
> approaches were discussed. Unfortunately as far as I know PSC has no
> active maintainer or developers who are willing to tackle this.
> Wichert.


Steve McMahon
Reid-McMahon, LLC
steve at
steve at

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