understanding wicked

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Mon Nov 19 12:21:02 UTC 2007

Dominik Ruf wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to create a Product that replaces #1, #21, etc. in a plone
> pages with a link to our bugtracking system. The some as in trac :-)
> Wicked does something similar: ((testpage)) becomes a link to
> testpage.
> I looked at the sources of wicked but since it does much more than
> just replacing the brackets it is quite complicated to understand.
> Can someone give me a tip how this replacing works or where I can find
> some help?

This should be a simple regex exercise.

You can hook this up via portal transforms.

If you want to see a different example look
for CMFBibliographyAT where I use this to
support LaTeX/BibTeX like reference handling
(i.e., \cite{Foo2007} gets replaced with a like
to the appropriate reference ...)


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