Improve plone.recipe.distros and ZopeSkel

JeanMichel FRANCOIS jeanmichel.francois at
Fri Nov 9 14:27:49 UTC 2007


  I want to know where things are installed, cause i m reading a lot of code 
every day. I want to care where products are installed to best fit my 
developement environement. I m not installing plone to use it, I'm a thrid 
products developper. I know zope "Products" is magic in many aspects, but i 
want that for Plone2.5; Python eggs are not well used by Plone2.5, I have 
failed to build an egg in the Products namespace of zope2.9, cause some zcml 
directives like registerProfile fails on zope load.

Right , i understand your point of view, but atm, i continue to build Products 
for Zope2.9, and i m not satisfied by the actual file structure, built by 
plone.recipe.distro. i will make my own recipe to answer my need.


> I do not use tools that make bad assumptions.
Pydev do assumptions on how Python is supposed to be used. Products are magic, 
but can be well used. Next, with my proposal all "products" are installed in 
respective parts folders, but each part contains a Products folder that 
contains those one. So you can continue to use it as before. (i have three 
different parts:
$ls parts/
debugtools  instance  plone  productdistros  zope2
$ls parts/plone
$ls parts/productdistros/

Now i can use Pydev have the code completion on all the namespaces, and zope 
is working as before.


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