Improve plone.recipe.distros and ZopeSkel

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at
Fri Nov 9 10:27:42 UTC 2007

Wichert Akkerman, on 2007-11-09:
> Previously JeanMichel FRANCOIS wrote:
>> parts/plone/CMFPlone for me is a wrong structure. No way for a new developper 
>> to understand that this folder correspond to Products.CMFPlone. In Java 
>> world, you have to make a folder Products to be able to build the CMFPlone 
>> module.
> If you name the buildout part 'Products' instead of ''Plone' you
> get the path structure you desire.

This is true if you only have parts/plone at first (next to
parts/instance or course).  As far as I know each part can only be
handled by one recipe.  So where do the productdistros go then, where
you would normally put some tar balls for extra Products that you
need.  These would also need to be in parts/Products, but that part is
taken by plone.recipe.plone already.

Maurits van Rees | [NL]
            Work |
"Do not worry about your difficulties in computers,
 I can assure you mine are still greater."

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