hiring plone developer to fix some issues

J J jamesd at ring4freedom.com
Sun Jun 24 16:34:09 UTC 2007

we have developed a custom "trouble ticket" system for Plone using Python.
There are some fixes and enhancements that need to be made:

We are using CMFEditions but we want to tweak it so the "Save as new
version" is checked automatically and checkbox is hidden. This will make it
so every plone Page is versioned.

There is a small popup window that shows some data, need to add another
column to this datagrid.

When a ticket is created, the "ticket opened by" dropdown should be changed
to a simple label of the logged in person.

Add in security granularity so only some groups are allowed to raise
"priority number"

The "priority number" currently allows multiple priorities of "1". this
needs to be changed. Only one ticket can have a "1" functionality, all the
others should become 2,3,4

remove the ability for users to do actions such as copy,paste, rename on

fix some datagrid sorting bugs in the "Reports section"

raise the file upload size to max level. Report to me the max level.

need to move a textbox up on page to top of page.

need to show us how to implement red css for error messages in plone (we
have a very customized template).

It is probably about 5 hours of work for an experienced Plone product

Here is how you can bid on the work:


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