navigation dissappears on empty folder workaround?

Martin Aspeli optilude at
Thu Jun 14 18:06:49 UTC 2007

Dack wrote:
>    I'm getting the feeling that people aren't actually reading my email...

Or that it wasn't explained well enough....

>  I
> am NOT trying to place a folder within a smart folder.  I'm placing a smart
> folder within a regular folder and making it the default index.  When the
> default index is a smart folder, all of the current folder's contents
> dissappear because the navigation treats the smart folder as a folder.  If
> the smart folder is a folder, it shouldn't be assignable as a default index,
> and if it can be used as a default index than you should be able to treat it
> as a regular page...   In other words, when you go into the folder, you see
> the smart folder in the middle and the contents of the directory in the
> navigation!
>    However, my immediate concern is how to add a "and not empty" to the if
> statement I mentioned in my first email.  Maybe it makes no sense to you,
> but it would work perfectly for me.  I just don't know the internal workings
> of Plone enough to compose the proper syntax.

As I said in another email, the missing piece of information here was 
that you were using "show current folder only". I suspect the problem is 
that when the smart folder is the default-page, it should be treating 
the parent folder as the "current folder".

Again, though, the policy is that if that folder *appears* empty 
(meaning, it has no items, *or* all its items are filtered out for one 
reason or another) the navtree disappears.

>    As to making no sense, though...  When you view a page or anything that's
> non-folderish, you view that items PARENT CONTENTS in the navigation.  So,
> viewing the parent's contents when there's nothing in the current folderish
> item makes perfect sense. 

Yes, probably. I thought you were using the "start navigation at level" 
functionality, when it makes no sense since parents aren't displayed anyway.


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