Informal pole re: sandbox environments

Martin Aspeli optilude at
Mon Jul 30 23:51:54 UTC 2007

Alex Clark wrote:
> Hi, I don't want to bother the overly active plone-users or the plone developer 
> centric plone-developers with this, but I am wondering (asked on irc earlier):
> 11:35 <@aclark> informal pole: what "instance manager" is everyone using to 
>                 manage numerous "sandboxes" on 
>                 your dev station, instancemanager, buildout, workingenv, custom 
>                 shell script, etc., 
>                 combinations of all the above?


Note that when 3.0 is released (and actually, already with rc1 and I 
hope rc2 very soon) this becomes a lot easier:

$ easy_install -U ZopeSkel # once, or if you have an old ZopeSkel
$ paster create -t plone3_buildout myproject #once per project
$ cd myproject
$ python # once per project

$ ./bin/buildout # each time you change buildout.cfg
$ ./bin/instance fg # starts Zope

I've spent a lot of time working with buildout-based configurations over 
the past few months, and I find it very stable and easy to work with. I 
also think it's pretty important to note that it's rapidly becoming the 
de-fact way of working with pure Zope 3 and Grok projects.

See also:


Acquisition is a jealous mistress

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