Adding ATTopic to ArguUML/ArchGenXML product.

Larry Pitcher unclelarry at
Mon Dec 3 22:56:43 UTC 2007

Bill Campbell wrote:
> I've run into a wall trying to add ATTopic (aka Smart Folder or
> Composition) to a Plone 2.5.3 product I'm building, largely as an exercise
> to get more familiar with the process.
> I've added a <<stub>> class, ATTopic, and have it as an aggregation under a
> class.  It appears in the allowed_content_types as I would expect, but
> doesn't appear under ``add item''.
> I tried adding an ``include_from'' tagged item, but that didn't work.  I
> also tried adding an explict include.*from in the code-section module-
> header in the file and in the class file itself, but so far I
> haven't found anything that works.  The statement is:
>>from Products.ATContentTypes.content.topic import ATTopic
> Running this in foreground doesn't show any errors.
> 	python-2.4.4
> 	zope-2.9.7
> 	plone-2.5.3
> 	ArgoUML-0.24
> 	ArchGenXML-1.5.2
> Bill
> --


Try calling your <<stub>> class "Topic" or "Collection". I haven't used 
this one myself, but AGX seems to like the content type's "Title" 
instead of its "id". In portal_types the type is called 
"Topic(Collection)" so I'm not sure which one is going to work for you. 
Just give it a try...


Larry Pitcher
Catapult Solutions

Email: larry.pitcher at
Skype: larry.pitcher
Phone: 509.849.2660

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