[Plone-IT] Templates plone

Michele Mordenti michele.mordenti a gmail.com
Mar 11 Set 2012 11:06:05 UTC

Mi sto costruendo la mia sandbox Python 2.7.3 con virtualenv per
iniziare a sporcarmi le mani con Pone4.2
In passato usavo ZopeSkel per generare i template:

~/works/plone/Python-2.6.7/bin/easy_install-2.6 zopeskel==2.21.2
~/works/plone/Python-2.6.7/bin/paster create --list-templates
Available templates:
  archetype:          A Plone project that uses Archetypes content types
  basic_namespace:    A basic Python project with a namespace package
  basic_package:      A basic setuptools-enabled package
  basic_zope:         A Zope project
  kss_plugin:         A project for a KSS plugin
  nested_namespace:   A basic Python project with a nested namespace
(2 dots in name)
  paste_deploy:       A web application deployed through paste.deploy
  plone:              A project for Plone add-ons
  plone2.5_buildout:  A buildout for Plone 2.5 projects
  plone2.5_theme:     A theme for Plone 2.5
  plone2_theme:       A theme for Plone 2.1
  plone3_buildout:    A buildout for Plone 3 installation
  plone3_portlet:     A Plone 3 portlet
  plone3_theme:       A theme for Plone 3
  plone4_buildout:    A buildout for Plone 4 developer installation
  plone_app:          A project for Plone add-ons with a nested
namespace (2 dots in name)
  plone_hosting:      Plone hosting: buildout with ZEO and Plone
versions below 3.2
  plone_pas:          A project for a Plone PAS plugin
  recipe:             A recipe project for zc.buildout
  silva_buildout:     A buildout for Silva projects

Con lo sviluppo della versione 3 di ZopeSkel:
As of version 3.0, zopeskel is no longer a package of its own. All the
templates that make it work have been moved into packages in the
templer namespace. Some of the templates you may be expecting are no
longer available. If you require older templates, please be sure to
install ZopeSkel<3.0

Installando la 3 difatti ho:
~/works/plone/Python-2.7.3/bin/paster create --list-templates
Available templates:
  archetype:         A Plone project that uses Archetypes content types
  basic_buildout:    A basic buildout skeleton
  basic_namespace:   A basic Python project with a namespace package
  basic_package:     A basic setuptools-enabled package
  nested_namespace:  A basic Python project with a nested namespace (2
dots in name)
  paste_deploy:      A web application deployed through paste.deploy
  plone_basic:       A package for Plone add-ons
  plone_nested:      A package for Plone add-ons with a nested namespace
  recipe:            A recipe project for zc.buildout
  zope2_basic:       A Zope project
  zope2_nested:      A nested-namespace Zope package

Se i templates non sono più mantenuti, mi ostino ad usare la vecchia
versione o c'è una nuova modalità che non conosco per arrivare allo
stesso risultato?
Grazie per il chiarimento.

Michele Mordenti

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