[NGO] Database Backed Forms - forked from: What NGOs need in a website [checklist]

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Thu Jun 1 21:19:44 UTC 2006

David Bain wrote:
> Re: database-backed-forms:
>  I've added a  quick example of using  plone pages to store  form data
> from  plone form mailer:
> http://plone.org/products/ploneformmailer/documentation/how-to/extending-ploneformmailer-to-store-entries-as-pages-in-plone
> just waiting for someone to approve it.

Thanks, just approved it :-)

The "give it the proxy role" made my hairs stand on end a bit, I didn't
take the time to look at it in depth yet ;-)

The whole procedure looks like quite a lot of work to do, but I'd like
to push that concern to ploneformmailer. I'll take a look whether we can
 put the basic idea into ploneformmailer itself. With such an example,
it should be doable.

On the one hand, ploneformmailer is only intended for firing off email
forms. On the other hand, this *is* a common usecase.


Reinout van Rees                            r.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
http://vanrees.org/weblog/                     http://zestsoftware.nl/
The most absolute lie is the presentation of an irrefutable fact based
on unassailable numbers -- L.E. Modesitt jr., Gravity dreams

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